Why was a table-book in every family and can it somehow fit into the modern interior?
Many still have this furniture attribute. Once it was for happiness and every family dreamed about it. He was taken out on special occasions, and all relatives and friends gathered around. Have you guessed what the subject is? Of course it is. table-book an attribute of every family celebration. And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why they loved this table so much, how it came about and whether it has a place in a modern interior.
The table-book is a truly ingenious engineering design. When folded, it takes up very little space and can be used as a nightstand. And in the unfolded place is ready to accommodate around a large number of people. Sufficiently stable and mobile, which allowed it to be transferred not only from room to room, but also from apartment to apartment. However, it was necessary to carry very carefully so that the table did not land on his feet. Otherwise, you could be left without fingers or with a fracture. But the owners of this table knew its secrets and coped perfectly with the carrying.
In the Soviet Union, the mass production of table books began in the 60s. During this period, there was an active construction of the so-called Khrushchev, and the economy of living space became paramount. Apartments were small, and furniture was needed different, so there was an era of minimalism. But the history of the folding table goes far back centuries. According to one version, the progenitor of the Soviet table-book was an English table "pembroke". The creator of this tea table is the English Earl and architect Henry Herbert. Over time, this table became very popular in the upper world.
It was believed that such a tea table is an indicator of luxury, wealth and well-being. Every decent house in England had to have at least one Pembroke table. It was compact, easy to carry, some models were on wheels. It served breakfast on the terrace, played chess and cards, wrote letters. It was made of the best types of mahogany, decorated with carved legs and brass linings. The Pembroke table was distinguished by grace of forms and comfort. But it came to us in a completely different form.
In the Soviet Union, things were supposed to be simple and practical. There could be no elegance of forms and speech. Therefore, once a tea table turned into a rough table, which, if necessary, was laid out in a large roomy table. And, unfortunately, modern table-book models are not much different from the Soviet prototype. Change color, size, but the overall design of the table remains unchanged. That is why many housewives do not want to see such a table in their interior. Although minimalism in things is present today, it is even better if the thing is universal and can be transformed.
Designers are trying in every possible way to “build” a table-book into modern interior design. They beat it like a cabinet decorated with stylish vases and cute trinkets. A properly selected shade of the table can either be an accent in the interior, or merge with the main color solution of the room. At the right moment, when there are a large number of guests on the threshold, cute trinkets are removed from the table, and it turns into a large dining table. And after the feast, it can be easily returned to its former place.
Modern furniture designers create table-books with built-in shelves or drawers inside. This solution helps to create additional storage space. There are also models of tables in a set with chairs. The folding chairs are perfectly preserved inside the folding table, and at the right time they are easy to get. There is usually a table and four chairs. This solution allows you to save a lot of space and not bump into chairs at every step.
History and fashion are cyclical, eternal in them only the Soviet table-book. It seems that we will never be able to abandon this furniture in our homes. And should I refuse? Such a table will always be used in the life of everyone. Does your house have a famous table book? Share in the comments memories of family holidays, when the whole family gathered at such a table.

The table-book is a truly ingenious engineering design. When folded, it takes up very little space and can be used as a nightstand. And in the unfolded place is ready to accommodate around a large number of people. Sufficiently stable and mobile, which allowed it to be transferred not only from room to room, but also from apartment to apartment. However, it was necessary to carry very carefully so that the table did not land on his feet. Otherwise, you could be left without fingers or with a fracture. But the owners of this table knew its secrets and coped perfectly with the carrying.

In the Soviet Union, the mass production of table books began in the 60s. During this period, there was an active construction of the so-called Khrushchev, and the economy of living space became paramount. Apartments were small, and furniture was needed different, so there was an era of minimalism. But the history of the folding table goes far back centuries. According to one version, the progenitor of the Soviet table-book was an English table "pembroke". The creator of this tea table is the English Earl and architect Henry Herbert. Over time, this table became very popular in the upper world.

It was believed that such a tea table is an indicator of luxury, wealth and well-being. Every decent house in England had to have at least one Pembroke table. It was compact, easy to carry, some models were on wheels. It served breakfast on the terrace, played chess and cards, wrote letters. It was made of the best types of mahogany, decorated with carved legs and brass linings. The Pembroke table was distinguished by grace of forms and comfort. But it came to us in a completely different form.

In the Soviet Union, things were supposed to be simple and practical. There could be no elegance of forms and speech. Therefore, once a tea table turned into a rough table, which, if necessary, was laid out in a large roomy table. And, unfortunately, modern table-book models are not much different from the Soviet prototype. Change color, size, but the overall design of the table remains unchanged. That is why many housewives do not want to see such a table in their interior. Although minimalism in things is present today, it is even better if the thing is universal and can be transformed.

Designers are trying in every possible way to “build” a table-book into modern interior design. They beat it like a cabinet decorated with stylish vases and cute trinkets. A properly selected shade of the table can either be an accent in the interior, or merge with the main color solution of the room. At the right moment, when there are a large number of guests on the threshold, cute trinkets are removed from the table, and it turns into a large dining table. And after the feast, it can be easily returned to its former place.

Modern furniture designers create table-books with built-in shelves or drawers inside. This solution helps to create additional storage space. There are also models of tables in a set with chairs. The folding chairs are perfectly preserved inside the folding table, and at the right time they are easy to get. There is usually a table and four chairs. This solution allows you to save a lot of space and not bump into chairs at every step.

History and fashion are cyclical, eternal in them only the Soviet table-book. It seems that we will never be able to abandon this furniture in our homes. And should I refuse? Such a table will always be used in the life of everyone. Does your house have a famous table book? Share in the comments memories of family holidays, when the whole family gathered at such a table.
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