A man in Ireland turned down his money, sold all his property and moved into an old van, which he has been living in since 2008.
How realistic is life without money today? Various utopian concepts say that for a happy and fulfilling existence, a person does not need rustling banknotes. Money is not happiness, therefore. The hero of our history, former Irish businessman Mark Boyle, was able to prove this statement in the most incredible way.
Life without money Mr. Boyle's career was going well. At the beginning of zero, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics, got a job as a manager in a large company and for more than 6 years pursued status and wealth. But one night the guy was thinking about the world order and realized that many of the ills of mankind stem from money.
Then Mark sparked the idea to find out what it was like to live without finances. In 2008, a new point in Boyle’s life begins. He sells his house and all his possessions, closes his accounts and settles in an abandoned forest van.
Initially, he planned an experiment for a year. But his new lifestyle has inspired him so much that for 15 years now, Mark Boyle has said they have never felt better.
Saying goodbye to his old life, Mark captured only a solar battery and a laptop from civilization. He made a wood-burning stove to cook and heat the van and built a street shower.
The guy only eats what he gets in the wild. At first, while the case was not going, Boyle was engaged in freeganism - he took away the delay from shops for free. For some time he worked on a farm where he grew his own vegetables, and soon broke his small garden. He said he had never been sick since 2008.
The experimenter washes clothes with a decoction of the soap plant, and instead of toothpaste, he uses shellfish powder. However, as toilet paper, Mark had to resort to the blessings of civilization - he uses old issues of the Daily Mail newspaper, which are kindly shared with him by locals.
Life in the "eco" style About 10 years ago, Mark founded the Freeconomy project, which speaks for itself. This community quickly acquired like-minded people, where everyone could tell how to live without money and feel completely fine.
He is known for his books about his life, economic freedom and ecological society, such as The Man Without Money, The Road Home and Drinking Molotov’s Cocktail with Gandhi. The money from their sales Mark gave to charity. By the way, Boyle got his van for free on a website where they give away unnecessary things.
Boyle shares that leaving civilization has given him a lot. Not only did he not become lonely, but he also acquired a large number of followers and friends. Now the Irishman is convinced that the root of the poverty that Western civilization suffers from is the lack of spirituality. “If you don’t have a plasma TV, people think you’re an extremist,” Boyle said.
For all the time, the guy suffered only one trouble - a girl left him. That's what Mark looks at philosophically. He realizes that few women want to build a relationship with a man without money, a career, a car and housing with hot water. However, he considers himself a good-looking guy, able to share his warmth with a lady who is not afraid of difficulties.
How are Mark's days? In recent years, Boyle has given up electricity and technology altogether, but he is not bored. The Irishman is often asked how he spends his days without technology and other conveniences of civilization. He says he always has a lot of plans and things to do.
Every day is different: once he built a smokestack from the trunks of fallen trees to harvest venison and trout. The next day he treated a deer skin to sew his clothes, then made a horse pen and laid a stone path to the dwelling. To visit his family, Mark hitchhiked.
The experience of 44-year-old Mark Boyle bright star sparks more and more people, but the guy warns: his lifestyle is not for everyone. And how do you think this bold concept is embodied in our reality? Share it in the comments.

Life without money Mr. Boyle's career was going well. At the beginning of zero, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics, got a job as a manager in a large company and for more than 6 years pursued status and wealth. But one night the guy was thinking about the world order and realized that many of the ills of mankind stem from money.
Then Mark sparked the idea to find out what it was like to live without finances. In 2008, a new point in Boyle’s life begins. He sells his house and all his possessions, closes his accounts and settles in an abandoned forest van.

Initially, he planned an experiment for a year. But his new lifestyle has inspired him so much that for 15 years now, Mark Boyle has said they have never felt better.
Saying goodbye to his old life, Mark captured only a solar battery and a laptop from civilization. He made a wood-burning stove to cook and heat the van and built a street shower.
The guy only eats what he gets in the wild. At first, while the case was not going, Boyle was engaged in freeganism - he took away the delay from shops for free. For some time he worked on a farm where he grew his own vegetables, and soon broke his small garden. He said he had never been sick since 2008.

The experimenter washes clothes with a decoction of the soap plant, and instead of toothpaste, he uses shellfish powder. However, as toilet paper, Mark had to resort to the blessings of civilization - he uses old issues of the Daily Mail newspaper, which are kindly shared with him by locals.

Life in the "eco" style About 10 years ago, Mark founded the Freeconomy project, which speaks for itself. This community quickly acquired like-minded people, where everyone could tell how to live without money and feel completely fine.
He is known for his books about his life, economic freedom and ecological society, such as The Man Without Money, The Road Home and Drinking Molotov’s Cocktail with Gandhi. The money from their sales Mark gave to charity. By the way, Boyle got his van for free on a website where they give away unnecessary things.

Boyle shares that leaving civilization has given him a lot. Not only did he not become lonely, but he also acquired a large number of followers and friends. Now the Irishman is convinced that the root of the poverty that Western civilization suffers from is the lack of spirituality. “If you don’t have a plasma TV, people think you’re an extremist,” Boyle said.
For all the time, the guy suffered only one trouble - a girl left him. That's what Mark looks at philosophically. He realizes that few women want to build a relationship with a man without money, a career, a car and housing with hot water. However, he considers himself a good-looking guy, able to share his warmth with a lady who is not afraid of difficulties.

How are Mark's days? In recent years, Boyle has given up electricity and technology altogether, but he is not bored. The Irishman is often asked how he spends his days without technology and other conveniences of civilization. He says he always has a lot of plans and things to do.
Every day is different: once he built a smokestack from the trunks of fallen trees to harvest venison and trout. The next day he treated a deer skin to sew his clothes, then made a horse pen and laid a stone path to the dwelling. To visit his family, Mark hitchhiked.

The experience of 44-year-old Mark Boyle bright star sparks more and more people, but the guy warns: his lifestyle is not for everyone. And how do you think this bold concept is embodied in our reality? Share it in the comments.
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