I throw a handful in the bowl and dip my legs there, in an hour I enjoy the super effect.

How nice after a hard day to soak up in a warm bath. Water relieves fatigue and pain, washes away all dirt. To improve the effect, you can add your favorite essential oils or just a special foam. But the most effective and proven centuries remain bath-salt.

Peels Edition "Site" I decided to find out what properties the famous English salt has.

Epsom salt, as the English salt is called, is a natural mineral compound. Its main component is magnesium sulfate, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. English salt is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. It relieves pain after training and improves health.

Taking a bath with English salt after training allows you to regenerate stretched muscles and restore the tone of the whole body. And also give a great mood and well-being after physical exertion. Also, baths with Epsom salt are recommended after sports injuries and operations.

Magnesium, which is the main component of English salt, has a number of beneficial properties for our body. In addition to regenerating and restoring properties, this salt has a great effect on the muscle, nervous, bone and articular systems of our body.

In addition, Epsom salt acts as an excellent antioxidant and detoxifying agent. English salt removes toxins from our body during poisoning and helps regulate metabolism.

Properties of Epsom salt are an excellent antimicrobial and antifungal agent. If you feel an unpleasant smell of feet, then baths with the addition of English salt will help to cope with this problem. Several such procedures will forever forget about the problem of unpleasant smell. And the skin of the legs will become smooth and tender without complex salon procedures.

In addition, this procedure is much more budgetary and has many additional positive aspects. All you need to do is immerse your feet in a bath of salt for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day for a week.

Research on the use of Epsom salt continues today. To date, this product remains little studied in the field of clinical research. But the fact that this product is a universal solution to many problems remains undeniable.

Today, scientists from many countries argue about the possibility of using this product as the basis of a dietary supplement for shedding extra pounds. To evaluate this method is not yet possible, as there is still little research and facts. And the experiments that have already been conducted have very mixed results.

Nevertheless, knowledge of Epsom salt is enough to cope with many everyday problems. And millions of women around the world use English salt every day after a busy day to relieve swelling of the legs or just relax.

Peels shared in the comments whether this information was useful to you and how you use English salt in your life.


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