Adult Daughter Asks Mom Why She Doesn't Make Soup 'Like When She Was a Child'

To prepare simpler soupYou do not need to have special culinary skills. But making it tasty is truly an art. My family had a hard time when I was little. My parents could barely make ends meet. But even then, my mother managed to cook so that her tongue could be swallowed.

I decided to write a recipe for my mother’s soup called “Tough Times” because she had recently made it again. The name was born in the 90s, but today’s realities are more and more reminiscent of that period. Nothing! But the soup is still just as good. What else does it take to be happy?

When my mother made this soup, I was still a little girl and didn’t know much about how we live. Later, when I was growing up, my mother stopped making this dish. I asked her why she didn't make that delicious soup anymore. Ma, almost crying, said she used to brew soup on water because we had an empty refrigerator. But even then, she managed to make a culinary masterpiece out of nothing.

The ingredients
  • 2 l of water
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 100-150g pasta
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2-3 pcs of bay leaf
  • salt and black pepper to taste

  1. The simplest soup is made quickly enough. Peel all the vegetables first. Cut potatoes with a cube, onions with semi-rings (mother did this for some reason), sodium carrots on a large grater.

  2. Then put water on the stove, add a bay leaf to it. When the water boils, add potatoes to it. In parallel with this, prepare a vegetable roast. Heat the vegetable oil in the pan, roast the onions until half ready. Then add the carrots and roast them along with the onions until ready.

  3. When the roast is ready, add the vegetables to the pot with potatoes. Stir it all together. Then check the potato readiness. At the stage when it is still half-raw, it is time to salt the dish. You also need to add pasta. Mom used small vermicella most often because it cost the cheapest.
  4. Cook the soup without the lid until the potatoes and pasta are ready. Then cross the dish, cover it with a lid and let it brew. You can use different spices at your discretion. It will also be great to decorate a fresh soup with greenery. Bon appetit!

The beauty of this soup is that it is prepared very simply and quickly. Yeah, it's not some fancy restaurant dish. But it smells of home and childhood. When I feel sad, I go to the kitchen and cook this particular dish.

Now this soup can be modernized in any manner. Someone will make it on chicken broth, someone will add leeks or celery to it. This is the basic basis for any soup, which as a result can be very rich and hearty.

Tell me, did you have such soups at home? It would be great if you shared your signature recipe for pasta soup. I'll see you in the comments!


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