How to cook pasta in the fleet
Although pasta came to Europe from China, it was the Italians who taught the world how to make it in a hundred different ways.
All recipes can not be counted: pasta is cooked, fried, baked, cooked with cheese, eggs, mushrooms, all kinds of vegetables and seafood.
But among this variety there is one recipe that occupies a special place in our country, namely, pasta in the fleet.
In the XIX century sailors of the Russian fleet after hard work it was customary to give pasta with meat as a reward. Over time, the hearty dish moved from galleys to kitchens and fell in love with millions of people.
Curiously, the name “pasta in fleet” appeared only in the 50s of the last century. So in the classic “Book about tasty and healthy food”, published in 1939, the prefix “in the Navy” is not yet, but there are simply “pasta with meat”.
Like any popular dish, flotilla They have their own secrets that "Site" Will gladly share with readers.
How to cook pasta with meat
The ingredients
Before serving on the table, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese. You can eat sour cream. I like it better. flotsy pasta with cheese. In any case, this is a simple, tasty and hearty dish that is suitable for both a family dinner and a festive feast.

All recipes can not be counted: pasta is cooked, fried, baked, cooked with cheese, eggs, mushrooms, all kinds of vegetables and seafood.

But among this variety there is one recipe that occupies a special place in our country, namely, pasta in the fleet.
In the XIX century sailors of the Russian fleet after hard work it was customary to give pasta with meat as a reward. Over time, the hearty dish moved from galleys to kitchens and fell in love with millions of people.
Curiously, the name “pasta in fleet” appeared only in the 50s of the last century. So in the classic “Book about tasty and healthy food”, published in 1939, the prefix “in the Navy” is not yet, but there are simply “pasta with meat”.
Like any popular dish, flotilla They have their own secrets that "Site" Will gladly share with readers.
How to cook pasta with meat
- Boil pasta to a semi-solid state (al dente) and in no case boil. It is better to do this in plenty of water (1:10) so that pasta does not stick together.
- Best suitable tubular varieties of pasta. After all, the more meat filling is stuffed into the tubes in the cooking process, the more delicious.
- Meat can be any, but it is better to take beef necks. It has a pronounced taste and there is a fat.
The ingredients
- 300g pasta
- 600g minced meat
- 1 bulb
- 1 carrot (optional)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 0.5 tables of water
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- salt and pepper
- 50g cheese or sour cream (optional)
- Cut the onions and garlic fine.
- Roast your vegetables in a deep pan. If desired, carrots can be roasted together with onions.
- Mix minced vegetables and cook for 10-12 minutes.
- Add the tomato paste, stir and cook for another 2 minutes.
- Pour half a glass of hot water, percha and salti, carcasses for 5 minutes.
- Prepare pasta according to the instructions on the pack.
- Add pasta to the mince, cook all together for 5 minutes.
- Bon appetit!
Before serving on the table, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese. You can eat sour cream. I like it better. flotsy pasta with cheese. In any case, this is a simple, tasty and hearty dish that is suitable for both a family dinner and a festive feast.