Stop whining! You will lose 5 kg by following this simple menu.

Excess weight in our time has become problem. If the face can be completely changed with the help of cosmetics, then extra pounds, alas, can not be smeared with a tonal cream. Therefore, a beautiful figure today is valued very highly, and the fair sex spend a lot of time and effort on its acquisition.

Editorial "Site" I want to share with you a very effective and interesting diet "Match", which has already been tried and appreciated by many women. The most pleasant thing is that this technique makes it possible to lose weight without starvation and strict restrictions in food.

This name diet got due to the fact that extra pounds burn extremely quickly, like a match set on fire by a woman. The key principle of losing weight is the rejection of meat products, as well as switching to a non-strict vegetarian menu. Compliance is a week.

Interestingly, this technique is recommended not only for people suffering from excessive weight, but also for those who are concerned about some. gastrointestinal disease. Diet is part of the treatment program.

The basic principles of the “Match” diet
  1. From the diet it is necessary to exclude meat and fish dishes. Only the ear and chicken broth are allowed. This week, while the whole program lasts, you should eat only cereals, vegetables and fruits.

  2. Consume bran every time you feel like eating. They are digested by the body extremely slowly. Therefore, the feeling of satiety lasts quite a long time. Bran is often consumed, washed down with water, kefir or tea. You can use them as an addition to various dishes.

  3. If your plans are not only improvement in healthIn addition to this method, it is also necessary to connect physical activity. Even a warm-up lasting 15 minutes in the morning and evening can give a good effect.

There is no strict menu for this diet, so the diet may well be varied. For the correct selection of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you should first take into account the caloric content of consumed products.

Example of the diet for the “Match” diet
  1. For breakfast, you can eat oatmeal or other porridge. Only semolina is prohibited.It is heavy for the stomach and high in calories. A couple of spoonfuls of bran boiled in milk are added to the porridge. In addition, it is allowed to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Sugar is not added to the porridge. If desired, you can cut half an apple or pear or add several grapes. Bananas, avocados and other types of hearty fruit are prohibited. After breakfast, you can drink herbal tea or a small cup of coffee. The calorie content of breakfast should not exceed 200 kcal.

  2. For the second breakfast, you can eat 3-4 small apples or figs. You can replace these fruits with half a grapefruit or 1 large pear. It depends on the will. In any volume, you can drink herbal tea without sugar.

  3. For lunch it is better to eat 300 ml of light soup from vegetables. You can cook it on fish broth or chicken broth. You can not add fried foods to the soup, but you can salt it. Calorie lunch in this case will be from 270 to 330 kcal.

  4. For afternoon, it is best to drink 200 ml of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

  5. For dinner, prepare 200-250 g of salad from boiled carrots, prunes and beets. However, the components can be changed. Alternatively, mix carrots with grated apples or add Beijing cabbage to the salad. You can fill this salad with a tablespoon of honey.

This method should be used for seven days and no more than once a month. Such a diet has no contraindications. Although it is still better to consult a gastroenterologist or therapist before starting a diet. That goes for any diet!

Tell us about your weight loss methods in the comments. We'll be interested!


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