Non-obvious ways of using food film
Food film One of my mandatory purchases in the department. Not just because it helps keep food in the fridge fresh! Regular film in a roll will help in various everyday situations: you will be surprised to learn that with its help you can even apply patterns on the wall and drive fruit flies out of the kitchen forever!
How to use food film
Tell us in the comments about non-standard ways of using food film and other household details that you use! We'll be grateful.
How to use food film
- The film will protect your hands when you need to work with rakes or shovels. Just wrap the tool handle with film, and no calluses on your palms!
- Always wrap leftover ice cream in food film before sending it to the freezer. Ice cream will be at its best, no crystallization!
600.54 - Wrap the brush with a film, you will save the tool from drying out and you can continue working with paint the next day. It can also be covered with film. paint jar.
- If you wrap it in film. bananaThe fruit will stay fresh for a long time! This is the only way I keep them now.
- To seal the container tightly, use a food film! I always do this with cosmetics before packing them in a suitcase. Nothing will spill!
- Keep a roll of film near the front door: if you need to urgently enter the house in shoes, just wrap the film dirty shoes!
- There will be no more drafts: with the help of film you can easily plug.
- A midge trapThose who settled in the kitchen! Cut the fruit, cover the cup with appetizing pieces with film and make a small incision in it. The fruit flies will be in a cup very soon, no doubt about it, and you can kick the whole company out the door!
- An original way to create a pattern on the walls when painting! Apply the paint, then cover the wall with a layer of film and remember it. This trick will create a unique drawing and decorate the wall with original divorces!
- I always fill the refrigerator shelves with food film! Perfect cleanliness: even if jam drips on the shelf or kefir spills, it is easier to change the film than to wash the entire refrigerator.
- Food film for weight loss irreplaceable! It is very useful to wrap women who want to get rid of cellulite: blood circulation increases in problem areas and natural weight loss occurs. You can also enhance the effect of any face mask, both nutritious and cleansing, using just a regular film! The thermo effect that the film will create will ensure effective penetration into the skin of substances contained in the mask.
- Covering any glass with a liquid film and piercing it with a tube, you will make a reliable non-spill!
- To make a bouquet without water look fresh longer, use this trick. Wrap the ends of the stems with a wet tissue napkin, then wrap tightly with film.
Tell us in the comments about non-standard ways of using food film and other household details that you use! We'll be grateful.
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