Preparation of lush cakes on kefir
Such flatbread My grandmother used to bake them every week. How hard it was to wait for them to cool down a little. Now I make such cakes for my family, which they are incredibly happy!
Recipe from "Site" It will help you remember the taste of childhood.
Kefir tortillas with filling Ingredients for the test
Ingredients for filling (to choose)
Extremely appetizing, tasty and lush cakes: in the pan under the lid they literally burst! By the way, this delicious can be cooked without filling and even made sweet, you just need to add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the dough or sprinkle them with ready-made cakes.
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Recipe from "Site" It will help you remember the taste of childhood.

Kefir tortillas with filling Ingredients for the test
- 500 ml of kefir of any fat content
- 1 tsp soda
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 500-550g flour
- 50g butter
- salt
Ingredients for filling (to choose)
- sausage
- mushroom-stew
- cabbage
- puree
- cottage cheese
- kefir Mix with soda (you can not extinguish). Add the egg and vegetable oil.
- muku Sifter and add to the liquid mass. Mix the soft dough. If necessary, add some more flour. It is assumed that the dough will slightly stick to the hands. Sprinkle it with flour and, covering it with a towel, leave it to part for 10 minutes.
- Bread dough Roll in a tourniquet and cut into 8-9 parts. Roll the pieces, slightly sprinkled with flour, in tortillas as thick as a pinky. In the center, lay out a pre-prepared filling, pinch the edges, press and level a little with your hand. Leave again for 2-3 minutes.
- While the flatbreads are resting, warm up the pan, watering it slightly with vegetable oil. Then roast the cakes on both sides under the lid.
- Melt. butter. Smear each finished cake with oil on top, you can sprinkle salt. Put it in a pile, cover it with a towel and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
Extremely appetizing, tasty and lush cakes: in the pan under the lid they literally burst! By the way, this delicious can be cooked without filling and even made sweet, you just need to add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the dough or sprinkle them with ready-made cakes.
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