Instructions for cooking boiled condensed

My grandmother made condensed and toffee in a Russian stove. The milk was homemade. I still remember that taste. Thanks to my grandparents for my childhood!

Now I cook on the stove according to her recipe, only milk from the bag. I just saw the recipe.condensed from Olga Matvey and decided to supplement the grandmother’s method of cooking with a couple of interesting wisdoms. It tastes really good, and quickly too. I spent no more than 10-15 minutes on everything!

Homemade condensed milk Today edition "Site" It will tell you how fast and delicious to cook. home-cooked. It's impossible to break away!

The ingredients
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 180g sugar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 50g butter
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • pinch

  1. Warm the milk, but only so that it does not boil, but is very hot.

  2. Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed pot and add water. Wari caramel on medium fire, constantly stirring to a homogeneous mass.

  3. Add the butter. Keep sugar and butter on the fire so that the mixture changes color. Don't forget to stir constantly!

  4. When caramel acquires a consistency and color like condensed milk, pour hot milk there. Cook on medium heat until the caramel dissolves. Pour powdered milk. Cook for 3-5 minutes before dissolving the lumps of caramel. If the lumps still remain, beat the mixture with a blender.

  5. Add a pinch of salt to the finished caramel. Stir the mixture and cool it. The consistency of the condensed should resemble thick sour cream.

I also suggest to get acquainted with an interesting recipe for a homemade cake “5 spoons”. It looks like peanuts with condensed only in the form of a cake!

This can be added to cakes and cakes or jamAdd to tea or spread on bread or croissants. Try cooking, it's very good!


See also

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