Homemade condensed milk recipe without butter

A simple homemade condensed milk will not take away a lot of strength in cooking, but the pleasure of absorbing it will stretch for a long time. It seems like a very ordinary product, but even here you can make many mistakes while cooking. Today we will cook together with the gypsy Galina and learn to do everything right.

A simple home condensed can of liquid condensed, standing in the refrigerator, is always useful. Condensed milk can be used when baking cakes, as well as when preparing cookies. And, of course, the real classics of the culinary genre are thin openwork pancakes that can be dipped in condensed form. Such a simple dish, and how many pleasant memories from childhood it can inspire.

I’ll tell you right away that you have to stand over the stove. But it's definitely worth it. A few weeks you will have on hand sweets in case of bad mood, which do not need to spend extra money. Even toast from ordinary white bread can be turned into an exquisite dessert with a couple of spoonfuls of condensed bread.

The ingredients
  • 1 l milk
  • 200g sugar
  • vanillin

  1. In order to cook it was easier, it is advisable to use a thick-walled pan or sautée. For convenience, take utensils for 5 liters.

  2. Pour 200g of sugar and fill it with a liter of milk. You can cook from store milk with a fat content of 3.2%, but, of course, homemade milk will be much tastier.

  3. Stir the sugar and turn on maximum fire under the pan. Stir until it boils. Then add some vanilla to your taste.

  4. Turn down the fire and stir every 5 minutes. To get a very thick condensed, you need to keep it on fire for 50 minutes. For a more liquid version, 40 will be enough. The last ten minutes will need to stir a little more often. 779980

  5. Remember that when the condensed milk begins to foam, you just need to keep stirring. It's not worth taking off the foam. When the milk thickens, it must be strained. Ordinary iron sieve is suitable for this. The condensed milk is ready, you can pour it on cans or bowls. Bon appetit!

Watch the creation of a real "Gypsy" condensed you can in the video of the wonderful Galina. She is able not only to deliciously cook completely simple dishes, but also to cheer up her humor and spontaneity.


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