My daughters took turns calling me in Italy and complaining about each other, and I went home to investigate.

Somewhere in an ideal world, families live together and never quarrel. All issues are solved by compromise, and everyone is happy. However, we do not live in this ideal world. We're not having a day, we're having family fights. Here is our story today about two daughters who can not divide their property. And their mother, who is trying to find a way out.

Editorial "Site" He's sharing this story with you. Maybe you know how to solve this whole situation.

There is not a moment of peace in my life lately. One daughter is constantly calling, then the second. It's been a month. I didn’t plan on going home this year to save money. But you have to. My daughters want me to share my inheritance and tell them who will get what.

I moved to Italy 6 years ago when my oldest daughter got married. She and her husband came to live in my house. The youngest then studied in another city, so she lived there. But she recently signed with her boyfriend. The youngsters decided to go live in my house. I thought it was a great option at first. I have a big house, two families will find a place to stay.

But my oldest daughter is against it. She started calling me and complaining that she didn't want the newlyweds to do anything. Like, they have been there for 6 years, do not want the young to dictate their orders. The youngest calls and complains that the older sister does not manage her house. After a month of constant complaints, I packed up and came home.

Initially, I planned to raise enough money to buy both daughters an apartment. After that, I decided to go back to my home and live peacefully. I went abroad to help my daughters. When I arrived, new complaints came to me. Talking to both of them was difficult. I knew they wouldn’t live in the same house.

I only have money for one apartment right now. I offered to buy an older home so the younger one could live in the house. In a couple of years we will buy a second apartment. But then the youngest did not agree. She said that since the eldest had lived in the house for so many years, let her stay that way, and the apartment should be her. Of course, the elder didn't want to.

They offer me to sell the house and buy two apartments. But how do I sell it? Where should I go back? I don’t want to do that, but I don’t know what else to do. I didn’t think my daughters would bother me so much. Can you tell me how to do it right?

The opinion of the editorial office of the Heroine of our history was in a difficult situation. We were most outraged by the behavior of our daughters. They just wait for their mom to decide and buy a place for them. None of them thought about their mother. We think that the option of buying an apartment is not so bad. Daughters need to learn to make compromises, and also to protect and respect the mother who works for them.

What do you think of that?


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