Fruitful and fragrant buns for your beloved husband

Do householders not like raisins in baking? No problem! You just haven't cooked the sweetest for your family yet. scones. In combination with sweet mascarpone cheese, snails turn into a real work of culinary art. Do not pass by our recipe and please your loved ones with an air treat!

Recently, I told you how to cook the most delicious dough according to a simple recipe. In it we used dry yeast, and today we will experiment with fresh yeast. Buns with raisins from yeast dough will turn out even if you have never worked with a muffin.

Test ingredients
  • 225 ml of warm milk
  • 25g fresh yeast
  • 500-520g flour
  • 75g sugar
  • 10g vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 50g butter
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 yolk

Filling ingredients
  • 200-300g mascarpone
  • 50g sugar
  • raisins

  1. The first thing we do is prepare the opar. To do this, mix warm milk, fresh yeast and sugar, let the mass brew for 10 minutes until the cap appears.

  2. Next, sift through the flour and mix it with the finished steam. Also add an egg, melted butter, vanilla sugar and salt. Mix the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and soft texture.
  3. Doubt the dough and place it in a deep bowl lubricated with vegetable oil. Cover the bowl with a food film or towel and give the test 40 minutes to graze in a warm place. When the dough fits, put it around and let it rest for another half hour.

  4. Place the finished dough on a surface sprinkled with flour. Roll it into a large rectangle of the same thickness (0.5 cm). Mascarpone beat with sugar, and raisins soak in boiling water, so that it becomes softer. Instead of water, you can use a hot drink to taste, if you cook a dish for adults.
  5. Evenly lubricate the dough with filling and sprinkle with raisins. Roll the dough into a tight roll and cut it into 12 identical pieces. Place the snails in a slice upwards on a pan covered with parchment paper. Cover the blanks with a towel and give another half an hour to rest and get up.

  6. Smear the buns whipped with a little water yolk. Bake snails in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 25 minutes. Ready pastries can be lubricated with a syrup of dissolved sugar in water at will.

The advice of the editorial board Buns from yeast dough are good in that the filling in them can be put absolutely any. Instead of mascarpone suitable cream cheese, whipped with sugar cottage cheese or just berry jam. In addition, the dough can be lubricated with ordinary butter and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Raisins, by the way, can be replaced with cranberries or other dried fruits. It'll taste just as good!

If you have a little more time, I advise you to prepare custard as a filling. In our piggy bank there is an unusual recipe for this cream on yogurt, not milk. I also want to share a recipe for custard cooked in a microwave oven.

Fancy buns. sweetness. In many families, the recipe for this pastry is passed down from generation to generation and can change. Maybe you make yeast dough rolls differently. And we would be very happy if you would share your signature cooking method in the comments. We'll look forward to it!


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