My son persuaded me to retire early and promised to help with money, but my daughter-in-law did not approve of our plan.
In our society we believe that duty Sooner or later it falls on the shoulders of children. This view is consciously supported by Eugene. The hero of today’s history offered his mother financial assistance. However, his wife is against it. Why the relationship of Antonina Stepanovna and her daughter-in-law did not work out, read further in the article.
I am 58 years old and do not work. I used to think I could work at 60 and 65. But teaching sucked the last juice out of me. I love my students very much, really. So leaving school of my own free will was even more difficult than just getting fired.
Health is gone, I should have admitted it sooner. I thought for a long time what money I would live for. But my son decided for me, 'Mom, I have the opportunity to help you every month. I don't want you to need anything. Leave school with a clear conscience and soul.”
Any mother would cry if she heard that from a loved one. I raised Zhenya a good and kind boy. He saw how I treated my parents and how I cared for them. When they were gone, it was a real blow to me. Thank goodness my son was always there.
And then he got married and moved. I was ready for my loneliness, so I let him go easily. Only now with the daughter-in-law relations did not immediately go well. Tanya disliked me, thought I had a bad influence on Zhenya. Like, next to me, he becomes a little boy, and she didn't like it. She demanded manhood from him.
When the kids had a baby, I was happy. I tried to help as much as I could. But Tanya always refused to help. At first, she even forbade me to take my granddaughter in my arms. I knew it would only get worse. So I tried not to get attached to the baby. Most of all, I did not want Tanya to start turning the child against me.
But judging by what is happening now, it will. When Tanya found out that my son wanted to help me financially, she caused him a scandal. The daughter-in-law believes that it is not his duty to provide for his parents. I’m not old enough to ask my adult for help. But the thing is, I didn't ask for anything. This is entirely his initiative. I will not give up money because I really need it.
I know that my wife earns a lot of money. And so much so that it can provide for the family and postpone for the future. Tanya doesn’t even know what his salary is. That says something. I believe that the son is doing everything right: it is better to save something for a rainy day, and not give all the money to his wife to spend it hopelessly.
What do we do next? The fat daughter-in-law is mad. She never denied herself anything. Your apartment with a chic renovation, good equipment, a brand new iPhone. Every season she updates her wardrobe. The baby is healthy and full, what else? Oh, yeah! Twice a year the boys go on vacation and I am very happy that my son managed to arrange his life properly.
Despite all this, now I have to hear from my daughter-in-law how bad I am. Ruining their family! I do not want to be a stumbling block in the relationship between my son and his wife. But now I can't do it without Jenny. I certainly have some savings. But this is nothing compared to the realities of our lives.
I'm afraid I still have to look for alternative ways of income. I'm thinking about tutoring. I have worked in school for over 30 years. My son says it's unnecessary. Stop working, it's time to do something that warms my heart. But I don't want him arguing with Tanya over me! What do we do?
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story perfectly illustrates the importance of raising children. Evgeny grew up in love and care, realizing that someday his mother will need him. If Tatiana’s parents had treated her the same way Antonina Stepanovna treated her son, she would have accepted her husband’s position.
What do you think will help the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to establish a relationship?

I am 58 years old and do not work. I used to think I could work at 60 and 65. But teaching sucked the last juice out of me. I love my students very much, really. So leaving school of my own free will was even more difficult than just getting fired.
Health is gone, I should have admitted it sooner. I thought for a long time what money I would live for. But my son decided for me, 'Mom, I have the opportunity to help you every month. I don't want you to need anything. Leave school with a clear conscience and soul.”

Any mother would cry if she heard that from a loved one. I raised Zhenya a good and kind boy. He saw how I treated my parents and how I cared for them. When they were gone, it was a real blow to me. Thank goodness my son was always there.
And then he got married and moved. I was ready for my loneliness, so I let him go easily. Only now with the daughter-in-law relations did not immediately go well. Tanya disliked me, thought I had a bad influence on Zhenya. Like, next to me, he becomes a little boy, and she didn't like it. She demanded manhood from him.

When the kids had a baby, I was happy. I tried to help as much as I could. But Tanya always refused to help. At first, she even forbade me to take my granddaughter in my arms. I knew it would only get worse. So I tried not to get attached to the baby. Most of all, I did not want Tanya to start turning the child against me.
But judging by what is happening now, it will. When Tanya found out that my son wanted to help me financially, she caused him a scandal. The daughter-in-law believes that it is not his duty to provide for his parents. I’m not old enough to ask my adult for help. But the thing is, I didn't ask for anything. This is entirely his initiative. I will not give up money because I really need it.

I know that my wife earns a lot of money. And so much so that it can provide for the family and postpone for the future. Tanya doesn’t even know what his salary is. That says something. I believe that the son is doing everything right: it is better to save something for a rainy day, and not give all the money to his wife to spend it hopelessly.
What do we do next? The fat daughter-in-law is mad. She never denied herself anything. Your apartment with a chic renovation, good equipment, a brand new iPhone. Every season she updates her wardrobe. The baby is healthy and full, what else? Oh, yeah! Twice a year the boys go on vacation and I am very happy that my son managed to arrange his life properly.

Despite all this, now I have to hear from my daughter-in-law how bad I am. Ruining their family! I do not want to be a stumbling block in the relationship between my son and his wife. But now I can't do it without Jenny. I certainly have some savings. But this is nothing compared to the realities of our lives.
I'm afraid I still have to look for alternative ways of income. I'm thinking about tutoring. I have worked in school for over 30 years. My son says it's unnecessary. Stop working, it's time to do something that warms my heart. But I don't want him arguing with Tanya over me! What do we do?
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story perfectly illustrates the importance of raising children. Evgeny grew up in love and care, realizing that someday his mother will need him. If Tatiana’s parents had treated her the same way Antonina Stepanovna treated her son, she would have accepted her husband’s position.

What do you think will help the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to establish a relationship?
Secretly worked in the hotel maid, the husband was not aware, but one day came to clean the room and stunned.
Seeing me throw away moldy bread, the cook taught me what to do with yesterday's bakery products.