The woman trained in the hall like a cursed, the owner of the club wanted to praise her, but burst into tears after learning why she exercises every day.

There are different kinds of loneliness in this world. Someone may feel lonely in noisy company, and someone literally all day in complete isolation from others. Sometimes, even with a life partner, a frightening and oppressive feeling does not give peace. People run away from it, tend to escape from it, hide behind classes, work or other problems. The main thing is to experience it as little as possible.

Work and business Claudia Semyonovna took a heavy step into her small office and sat down at the table. She had just arrived and it was already dark. Her fitness club was too far from home. Therefore, it was necessary to calculate the day when she could safely visit her small business outside working hours. It was usually the second half of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Lessons on the schedule these days were few, and many children regularly found a reason not to come on Fridays.

As a teacher, Klavdia Semyonovna herself did not expect to get involved in such a case as fitness. She did not practice such things herself. However, when her husband sent her a significant sum for a "reasonable investment," the first thing that came to her mind was a fitness club.

Peels Hall turned out, although not very modern, but spacious. The old university premises turned out to be a great place for simulators and other equipment for improving the figure. The client base was quickly replenished by local housewives and university employees from neighboring buildings. That was enough to keep the business quiet.

There were very few people in the hall this dark Friday. In fact, there was only one young woman. Klavdia Semyonovna saw her quite often in the evening. However, there was something in her that unwittingly caused anxiety. Usually, even the most ardent fans of physical training are not averse to relax at the end of the working week. And this visitor didn't miss a Friday.

Peels Alena trained at the limit. She has already trained herself to such loads. It was the only way she could forget all the bad things for a while. She had a lot to think about. About an unhappy marriage, about a difficult relationship with a new man, about a child who needs a good father. And a future she barely imagined.

“You should lose a few kilos. “You look like God knows what!” he continued. Even despite the constant training and restriction of food, Alena always seemed to him too big. And in general, Pasha liked to find various shortcomings in her. And the more he found them, the more Alena believed in it.

Sometimes Pasha would call her names and call her words she didn't want to remember. It usually happened when he was in a bad mood or when Alena was too cheerful. And she, in turn, tried to smooth the situation. And when she did, she carefully pretended that everything was okay.

Peels Alena was scared to be alone. She knew that being near Pasha was not the best option. But, on the other hand, he personified some kind of support, and he has a good relationship with the child. But where all this will lead next is unknown.

These thoughts drove Alena to the gym. There was no one here who could judge her or make her feel guilty. And thanks to the simulators, she could feel strong and free for a short time.

Types of loneliness - Sorry, please, we close, said Klavdia Semyonovna Alena.

She looked at the owner of the fitness club with surprise and suddenly felt that she was about to cry. What, home? Already? Alena got off the trainer and suddenly collapsed to her knees. Tears poured down a stream, weeping in the hall. How she didn't want to go home. And now she's gonna be kicked out for those stupid tears.

- Klavdia Semyonovna hugged Alena by the shoulders and tried to lift her to her feet. - Don't sit on the floor. Let's go to the bench, it's warmer.

Peels Claudia Semyonovna patiently waited for Alena to pay out. She understood that in such a state a person cannot be let go. And to her own surprise, she was willing to stay as long as it took. At some point, Alena became quiet, and Klavdia Semyonovna began to ask questions.

They sat like this for about an hour. The questions quickly turned into telling a story that had long needed voicing. Alena herself was surprised at how much she had in her heart. And how much she had to tell her. Klavdia Semyonovna listened attentively to Alena and empathized. She had no idea there was so much going on at the gym. At one point, Claudia Semyonovna asked:

- Why do you think someone can treat you like that?

Alena couldn't answer. She didn't know. For her, this has become a routine that has to be tolerated for the common good.

- I guess that's my fate.

- Nope. No one should be humiliated, especially with their child. That's a terrible example. Believe me, I know what it's like when parents are at odds. I work with children and have seen many such cases. What you fear, loneliness, is not scary in itself. It’s much worse to be locked up with someone who makes you feel lonely and unhappy. And you obviously experience it if you don't want to go home.

Alena nodded.

Types of loneliness – unfortunately or fortunately, – continued Klavdia Semyonovna, – but only you can correct your situation. You just said yourself that you don't see anything good ahead. This is not the case in a young family.

- What am I supposed to do?

- Do what is best for you and your child. Without regard to the financial situation and so on. No man is worth such an experience. You deserve more than your child. And believe me, loneliness is not something to be afraid of. I’m alone right now, but that doesn’t stop me from being happy. My husband has been working abroad for many years, and I see him 2 times a year.

Peels - Do you miss him?

- Yes, very. But it is better to know that you have a true friend somewhere far away than to tolerate an enemy in your own home. You have this friend. You just haven't found it yet.

After a long conversation, Alena left the fitness club. A conversation with an outsider acted as a sedative. Now, while she was walking along the massive campuses of the university, Alena was thinking about the opportunities that a seemingly unremarkable and equally lonely woman had opened up to her. Fresh frosty air beat her on a hot face, but Alena was pleased. She wanted to stay in that state of sobriety as long as possible. Until it became "incomplete" again. Alain for Pasha.

She's not going to bed with him tonight. He'll pack his things in the morning. Alena felt: either now or never.

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? Sometimes life gives us wise advice through random people. It can be fellow travelers on the train, neighbors at events, acquaintances you will never see again. And even if you have nothing but a couple of hours of conversation, their words and stories can become something significant.


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