The secretary came to the office with the baby, and the boss yelled at her and drove away.
Not so long ago, there was a curious incident in the office, which greatly affected the relationship between the boss and his subordinates. Valeria remembered that day perfectly. Monday, weekly meeting, usual back discomfort. However, something very unusual happened: one of the employees brought a baby. But not even this stirred the whole team, but the reaction of the authorities.
The employee and cradle Valeria was very surprised at the sight of Christina with a cradle-carrying. At first she thought the cradle was empty. But the young woman's cautious movements suggested otherwise. Valeria logically thought that this child, most likely, left Christine for a while. And she, in turn, had no choice but to take the baby with her.
After a while, the rest of the staff began to approach Christina and as if accidentally notice a sleeping child. Soon Valeria herself decided to look at the guest of their office. I mean, he was a typical kid that I just wanted to hit. Everyone understood perfectly well that the young employee could not be the mother of this karapuz. She did not go out on decree, and her figure is such that any model will envy.
Peels - What's your name?
- I don't know, Christine smiled. But I think it's a boy.
- What is it like? - Valeria whispered with sincere surprise. - Isn't that your relative?
- No, I was just asked to sit with him until noon. My parents promised to come in a couple of hours.
- Right. Then I'll go.
Valeria went to her workplace when the door of the director’s office sharply opened and Nikolai Fedorovich himself appeared in the corridor.
Peels Child Scandal - What is it? Nikolai Fedorovich rushed to Christina’s table, pointing to the carrying with the child. I didn’t allow kindergarten here!
Although he tried to speak quietly, he was not good at it. Therefore, as soon as he was near the cradle, the child woke up and cried.
- What does that mean? Whose is he?
- This is my friend, Nikolai Fedorovich, Kristina replied, leaving the cradle away from the boss. - She had no one to leave the baby with. So she turned to me. Don't worry, she and her husband will come and pick him up in a couple of hours.
- No, what a mess! I'm not going to -- and we're not going to -- put up with that screech. It's disrupting the whole workflow! No children should be in our office.
- With all due respect, until you approached, he slept peacefully, Christina said. She tried to calm the baby, while Nikolai Fedorovich became more and more scarlet. All the other employees watched with a faint heart what was happening. But somehow, no one interfered. Even Valeria herself.
Peels: I said no kindergarten in my office! Nikolai Fedorovich turned to a real scream. Leave the office now and come without a trailer! I don't care where you put it, Christine! But no kids!
From such a strong cry, the child began to cry louder. Even Christina herself somehow decreased under the pressure of Nikolai Fedorovich. She silently took the cradle, the bag and jumped out of the office. Someone tried to say something in defense of Christina, but the response was the same scream. No one wanted to fall out of favor with a strict boss.
The case at Christina's office didn't come up even after the lunch break. Valeria imagined that she was sitting somewhere in a cafe nearby, waiting patiently for her friend. What can I do? That's life. And although Valeria was ashamed that she did not stand up for a colleague, she knew perfectly well that this would have had little effect on the boss. Now she knew that Nikolai Fedorovich does not like children.
Soon, Ruslan Ignatovich, the owner of the company, came to the office. He usually greeted the staff and went into the office of Nikolai Fedorovich. While they were discussing cases, Christina and a woman with a cradle appeared at the door of the office. The latter looked as if she intended to make a scandal, but for some reason she did not go further.
Ruslan Ignatovich and Nikolai Fedorovich left the office.
- And one more thing, said the owner of the company. If my wife asked one of the employees to sit with our son, please do not throw him out.
- I, I didn't know it was yours... Christina didn't tell me...
- He was embarrassed to tell whom he was friends with. So what of it? But you'll have science, I hope. And if something like that happens, I urge everyone to come to me. We love children, not hate them. Right, Kolya?
Nikolai Fedorovich nodded nervously and under the sizzling look of his wife Ruslan Ignatovich apologized to Christina. She returned to her place, and everyone in the office was already discussing the event in a general informal chat.
Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? No matter what happens in the office or elsewhere, you should always be human. Remember that every word and action has its consequences. And sometimes they can be unpredictable.

The employee and cradle Valeria was very surprised at the sight of Christina with a cradle-carrying. At first she thought the cradle was empty. But the young woman's cautious movements suggested otherwise. Valeria logically thought that this child, most likely, left Christine for a while. And she, in turn, had no choice but to take the baby with her.
After a while, the rest of the staff began to approach Christina and as if accidentally notice a sleeping child. Soon Valeria herself decided to look at the guest of their office. I mean, he was a typical kid that I just wanted to hit. Everyone understood perfectly well that the young employee could not be the mother of this karapuz. She did not go out on decree, and her figure is such that any model will envy.

Peels - What's your name?
- I don't know, Christine smiled. But I think it's a boy.
- What is it like? - Valeria whispered with sincere surprise. - Isn't that your relative?
- No, I was just asked to sit with him until noon. My parents promised to come in a couple of hours.
- Right. Then I'll go.
Valeria went to her workplace when the door of the director’s office sharply opened and Nikolai Fedorovich himself appeared in the corridor.

Peels Child Scandal - What is it? Nikolai Fedorovich rushed to Christina’s table, pointing to the carrying with the child. I didn’t allow kindergarten here!
Although he tried to speak quietly, he was not good at it. Therefore, as soon as he was near the cradle, the child woke up and cried.
- What does that mean? Whose is he?
- This is my friend, Nikolai Fedorovich, Kristina replied, leaving the cradle away from the boss. - She had no one to leave the baby with. So she turned to me. Don't worry, she and her husband will come and pick him up in a couple of hours.
- No, what a mess! I'm not going to -- and we're not going to -- put up with that screech. It's disrupting the whole workflow! No children should be in our office.
- With all due respect, until you approached, he slept peacefully, Christina said. She tried to calm the baby, while Nikolai Fedorovich became more and more scarlet. All the other employees watched with a faint heart what was happening. But somehow, no one interfered. Even Valeria herself.

Peels: I said no kindergarten in my office! Nikolai Fedorovich turned to a real scream. Leave the office now and come without a trailer! I don't care where you put it, Christine! But no kids!
From such a strong cry, the child began to cry louder. Even Christina herself somehow decreased under the pressure of Nikolai Fedorovich. She silently took the cradle, the bag and jumped out of the office. Someone tried to say something in defense of Christina, but the response was the same scream. No one wanted to fall out of favor with a strict boss.
The case at Christina's office didn't come up even after the lunch break. Valeria imagined that she was sitting somewhere in a cafe nearby, waiting patiently for her friend. What can I do? That's life. And although Valeria was ashamed that she did not stand up for a colleague, she knew perfectly well that this would have had little effect on the boss. Now she knew that Nikolai Fedorovich does not like children.

Soon, Ruslan Ignatovich, the owner of the company, came to the office. He usually greeted the staff and went into the office of Nikolai Fedorovich. While they were discussing cases, Christina and a woman with a cradle appeared at the door of the office. The latter looked as if she intended to make a scandal, but for some reason she did not go further.
Ruslan Ignatovich and Nikolai Fedorovich left the office.
- And one more thing, said the owner of the company. If my wife asked one of the employees to sit with our son, please do not throw him out.
- I, I didn't know it was yours... Christina didn't tell me...
- He was embarrassed to tell whom he was friends with. So what of it? But you'll have science, I hope. And if something like that happens, I urge everyone to come to me. We love children, not hate them. Right, Kolya?
Nikolai Fedorovich nodded nervously and under the sizzling look of his wife Ruslan Ignatovich apologized to Christina. She returned to her place, and everyone in the office was already discussing the event in a general informal chat.

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? No matter what happens in the office or elsewhere, you should always be human. Remember that every word and action has its consequences. And sometimes they can be unpredictable.
I do not condemn Alexander Abdulov, who did not recognize his own son, he could have his own reasons.
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