Why employees do stupid mistakes and what to do. Part 2
Here is a continuation of the article «Why employees commit stupid things, and what to do».
Brief background: was a complex project, it was a lot of mistakes and uncoordinated actions of employees. After some trial and error were born two documents that describe the expectations of the work of both staff and managers. Learn more here .
I confess that I have long feared the spread of the second document. In the first article I have already received some critical comments from the fact that this micromanagement and the bureaucracy to the point that "I would not want to work for you."
Now, I expect a much stronger emotion by a flurry of comments and comparisons me with different characters, up to Goebbels. Hopefully, all the same it will not come. Thus, the "Company standards" IT companies.
A small digression before you read the "Company standards»:
All the proposed documents - this is not the dictatorship of a single manager in the company. Certainly the initiative came from him. But taking part in the discussion, all employees. If this initiative has met with fierce opposition, the document would go to the basket. By the way of the items were thrown out. It is not a sect, it is not in the morning hymns sellers Kirby vacuum cleaners, or propaganda. It is recorded on paper, the mutual obligations of adult and intelligent people. Some form of collective agreement and all, including the head, adhere to these standards. It does not in any way «silver bullet», or a panacea. This is just one of the approaches that worked in specific conditions. If you think that it will be useful in your work - use (non-commercial purposes, does not need to do this training and webinars). One request - possibly divided results. It is possible through personal, or in the comments. Separate stop on the observation that such documents to limit creativity. In my opinion it is not. Any structure, whether it is the unspoken rules or regulations on the one hand limits us, on the other hand allows us to use their strong system of quality to achieve a result. This is called the "paradox of the structure." These are not my thoughts, I rely on the course materials «Creativity, Innovation, and Change» (week 2) Coursera. If there is interest, I can write a more detailed article on this subject. Company standards
Some of the principles set out below, I honestly copied, part written by my colleagues, some written by me. I do not remember where they appear. If you find your thoughts, let me put the links below. i>
During operation, you may face difficult situations, when you need to make decisions that are not described in the instructions. The company expects that in such a situation you perform an action and will follow the conditions below brand standards. They all follow in our company, they are the basis of our company culture and therefore are referred to company standards.
We know that following the general arrangements to protect and develop our business combines our company as one big family and allows our real families become richer, and we ourselves enjoy the work.
Violation of the same general agreement deprives us of this.
All the below listed corporate standards boil down to 4th simple principles:
Principle I. All the well, which leads to simplification. (Of course, without sacrificing quality.) It is one thing to "save the file" and the other "to save the file so that it could find a colleague." If you simplify (-kollege work, purchase - the client, and so on. D.) - You're right. Principle II. If you are dealing with complex issues peacefully follow the procedures and standards of the brand, not the emotions and resentments - You're right. Principle III. If what you are doing to protect your company - you're right. Principle IV. If you are doing more than is expected of you - you are right.
Corporate Standard 1
I consider indecent complicate the job. I do my best to work colleagues easier.
I do my best to make any feature more technological and doable. I know that a deliberate and well-known complication of simple functions will cause fellow feeling of psychological discomfort and suspicion. And this is unacceptable.
In a situation of uncertainty, I accept such a decision, which greatly simplifies the work of colleagues.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 2
I try to do my job transmitted, and the result of the work reproduced in my absence. If this does not happen, it means that the work is done poorly. Either the work is not yet finished.
In a situation of uncertainty, I accept a solution that enables the reproducibility of results in my absence.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 3
I know that every order is "day to day". If not, then I have to call in advance to a colleague, supervisor or client and report that remember him.
I am sure that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 4
When I work in a team, I understand that, for example, 10:00 = 10:00 and not 10:15 and 11-00. I understand that the general agreement not only organize my time, but the time my colleagues and me a violation of the agreement disorganize not only me, but also colleagues who are not to blame. In the case of the various overlays I always call and warn colleagues in advance.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 5
I always plan their work and coordinate their activities with colleagues. And I always schedule and announce in advance the intermediate results of their work. I always show the interim results as scheduled.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 6
I know that is an imitation of activity. This is when, instead of that MUST to do, I do what I want. Or, instead, that it is necessary, do the other, more psychologically pleasant and lazy work.
For example:
instead, to communicate with customers in a thousand first drag the box; instead of developing an information system, talks about the advantages / disadvantages of other systems; instead of developing a difficult project, "communicate with partners»; instead of writing an article, format it; instead of phoning clients, draw a nice diagram of the report ... etc . etc. I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 7
I know that the question: "It will be done or not?" Replied: "I'll try" - indecent. I've never answer. To such questions I answer either "Yes" or "No". I also know that the following expressions are not allowed to eat, and therefore they do not drink:
"The first time I hear it».
"Call not phoned».
"Come back, but you (him, her, them ...) was not».
"I was looking for, but have not found».
"I thought ...». "
"This blame colleagues (customers, administration, incorrect / missing documents, public authorities, etc.)».
"This was before (before me, then ...)».
"I told (warned did ...)».
"And I said, no one».
"Why would I?».
"I have not heard».
"I do not know».
"Do not passed».
"It's not me, it's a department that ....».
"I wanted to, but did not work».
"I said, and he (she) did not do».
"I was at that time was not, it seems, was sick (he was on holiday, drunk, etc.)».
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 8
I consider indecent talk, hush up and conceal the problem (interpersonal, organizational, and others.) And discuss them on the sly (including colleagues) rather than pronounce them specifically and loud. All problems can not be solved, but any of them can be turned into a task - a source of new ideas.
I work on the principle that the problem - let slip - the problem - solution. I know another way to address the problems - regardless of my will - develop into gossip. So I think unseemly toward his colleagues to do otherwise.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 9
I will never say anything bad about their company to outsiders, and will discuss the issue with the head.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 10
I know the three dangers of every person: envy, jealousy and laziness. To protect yourself from them, I am constantly in touch with colleagues, working together with them and bear responsibility if am getting them. I am open to dialogue, and regularly share the results.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 11
Before you submit a claim to anyone, I first ask myself three control issue:
What is the actual essence of the claim, the problem? What do I do not do to solve the problem? What is real and who is invited to do to solve the problem? Then I will answer the questions in writing and postponed the answers to two days. Before notify the others, carefully reread n. "A." If the claim does not disappear, do everything in my power of n. "B"; If the claim does not disappear again, rewrite the paragraph. "c" in the form of a list of problems and proposed solutions, as well as intuitive implementation plan.
I know no other way to complain to the company does not have, and I count on the fact that colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 12
The best thing I can do for colleagues in difficult situations - is to help, not reproaching. The best thing I can do in a difficult situation - is to ask colleagues for help, not reproaching for refusal.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 13
I understand that any communication with the outside world - it is advertising the company. For advertising and image of the Company meet all. With this in mind, I try each actual and potential customers turn into free advertising agent.
Corporate Standard 14
I bravely take up my new and unfamiliar business and I'm not afraid appear weak and incompetent. I know that I can always seek help from colleagues.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 15
I understand that I have no right to engage in business talks on business issues that are not within the scope of my competence, with someone else (including friends), not placing pre-notify your supervisor. The word "preliminary" in this standard key! If I get an offer from the side and not have the opportunity to inform about the upcoming pre-contact, I report on this proposal on the same day when it received.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 16
In the case of a proposal to me personally the commission by any organization or individual, I immediately stop politely relevant negotiations and announced the receipt of the offer to your supervisor. Thus, the responsibility for the further contact with the organization and / or individual passed me guidance, which may take the appropriate measures.
If I find out that this standard is not executed my subordinates, I am taking steps to dismissal of the slave (without justification).
I understand that the same rights in relation to me and has my head.
I hope that all colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 17
In the case of the office (phone call) any representative of any government organization with any question, I just politely see off (Turn) the respective representative to your supervisor, any conversations with him I do not conduct, and all questions answered: "Please, it's my leadership. "
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 18
I know that the brand standards listed here can be modified (canceled refined ...) no more frequently than once a year. The corresponding change (justification) must be prepared in writing to the initiator.
Corporate Standard 19
If I know of the existence of proizvodstvennnyh problems, even unrelated to my competence, I certainly report them to your supervisor.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 20
If I come up with a way to violate these standards, without breaking them, the Company may ask me, "Why you were looking this way?»
Where does all this lead
The reaction of the team to these documents, to put it mildly, has been mixed. Immediately I can say that there was not one person who, after reading the first came and said, "This is what you need! Thank you. Now I'll always carry your picture in his wallet, next to his wife and daughter. " Even my director said: "Yes, it's too much!".
People gathered in groups, discussing something, waving his hands. The document could be discussed anonymously (was posted on the wiki), and through feedback by email. People seethed. To me repeatedly went staff who were more active and represented one or another company of colleagues and friends. We got together and discussed by punktam.Chast items were thrown out of the reformulated.
After more or less a version that suited all I sent all the mail and asked to follow those rules. We did not sign the document "Corporate Standard" and no one was fired for refusing to sign.
After that went baiting manual check "for lice" that is, do they believe in what you have written or not? Especially popular was the chief public catch on anything or whether this did not correspond to "proprietary standards". But gradually all these jokes somehow become extended to other employees. I'm not a psychologist and I can not evaluate right or wrong. But it worked. Not immediately, of course, but it worked.
After about a month the total number of stocks on the project and reduced conflict. I can not say how much it is in%, I remember only that I began to come home earlier and less tired. The relationship between employees also changed for the better, was less shifting each other problems and shoals.
Perhaps all this time played - we just worked together, can any part made joint work on these documents or the documents themselves - I do not know.
In fairness it should be noted that the documents appeared with a certain time lag. First "Proprietary standards", then "Principles of Management».
What conclusions I made for myself:
The most important conclusion: if you are not prepared to adhere to these standards, do not start. You should only once not to listen to his subordinate, shrug off the problems and all - your credibility is lost. As with all your initiatives.
1. If you enter any standards of behavior in the company, without exception, must adhere to them.
2. All of the standards of conduct need to be discussed together, and together they take.
3. Your expectations and your employees better voice than to bite your elbows, you are each other not understood.
4. If you have a close-knit team, working together for several years and shows the results, unless absolutely necessary do not need to impose external standards of conduct. Do not break something that works.
I would appreciate it if you leave your opinion or simply share experiences.
P.S. He promised to give a reference to the finished files. They are now a lot of different corporate attributes - to clean all this I do not have enough motivation. The meaning is identical with the text of statey.Berite there. No hard feelings, right?
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218857/
Brief background: was a complex project, it was a lot of mistakes and uncoordinated actions of employees. After some trial and error were born two documents that describe the expectations of the work of both staff and managers. Learn more here .

I confess that I have long feared the spread of the second document. In the first article I have already received some critical comments from the fact that this micromanagement and the bureaucracy to the point that "I would not want to work for you."
Now, I expect a much stronger emotion by a flurry of comments and comparisons me with different characters, up to Goebbels. Hopefully, all the same it will not come. Thus, the "Company standards" IT companies.
A small digression before you read the "Company standards»:
All the proposed documents - this is not the dictatorship of a single manager in the company. Certainly the initiative came from him. But taking part in the discussion, all employees. If this initiative has met with fierce opposition, the document would go to the basket. By the way of the items were thrown out. It is not a sect, it is not in the morning hymns sellers Kirby vacuum cleaners, or propaganda. It is recorded on paper, the mutual obligations of adult and intelligent people. Some form of collective agreement and all, including the head, adhere to these standards. It does not in any way «silver bullet», or a panacea. This is just one of the approaches that worked in specific conditions. If you think that it will be useful in your work - use (non-commercial purposes, does not need to do this training and webinars). One request - possibly divided results. It is possible through personal, or in the comments. Separate stop on the observation that such documents to limit creativity. In my opinion it is not. Any structure, whether it is the unspoken rules or regulations on the one hand limits us, on the other hand allows us to use their strong system of quality to achieve a result. This is called the "paradox of the structure." These are not my thoughts, I rely on the course materials «Creativity, Innovation, and Change» (week 2) Coursera. If there is interest, I can write a more detailed article on this subject. Company standards
Some of the principles set out below, I honestly copied, part written by my colleagues, some written by me. I do not remember where they appear. If you find your thoughts, let me put the links below. i>
During operation, you may face difficult situations, when you need to make decisions that are not described in the instructions. The company expects that in such a situation you perform an action and will follow the conditions below brand standards. They all follow in our company, they are the basis of our company culture and therefore are referred to company standards.
We know that following the general arrangements to protect and develop our business combines our company as one big family and allows our real families become richer, and we ourselves enjoy the work.
Violation of the same general agreement deprives us of this.
All the below listed corporate standards boil down to 4th simple principles:
Principle I. All the well, which leads to simplification. (Of course, without sacrificing quality.) It is one thing to "save the file" and the other "to save the file so that it could find a colleague." If you simplify (-kollege work, purchase - the client, and so on. D.) - You're right. Principle II. If you are dealing with complex issues peacefully follow the procedures and standards of the brand, not the emotions and resentments - You're right. Principle III. If what you are doing to protect your company - you're right. Principle IV. If you are doing more than is expected of you - you are right.
Corporate Standard 1
I consider indecent complicate the job. I do my best to work colleagues easier.
I do my best to make any feature more technological and doable. I know that a deliberate and well-known complication of simple functions will cause fellow feeling of psychological discomfort and suspicion. And this is unacceptable.
In a situation of uncertainty, I accept such a decision, which greatly simplifies the work of colleagues.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 2
I try to do my job transmitted, and the result of the work reproduced in my absence. If this does not happen, it means that the work is done poorly. Either the work is not yet finished.
In a situation of uncertainty, I accept a solution that enables the reproducibility of results in my absence.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 3
I know that every order is "day to day". If not, then I have to call in advance to a colleague, supervisor or client and report that remember him.
I am sure that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 4
When I work in a team, I understand that, for example, 10:00 = 10:00 and not 10:15 and 11-00. I understand that the general agreement not only organize my time, but the time my colleagues and me a violation of the agreement disorganize not only me, but also colleagues who are not to blame. In the case of the various overlays I always call and warn colleagues in advance.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 5
I always plan their work and coordinate their activities with colleagues. And I always schedule and announce in advance the intermediate results of their work. I always show the interim results as scheduled.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 6
I know that is an imitation of activity. This is when, instead of that MUST to do, I do what I want. Or, instead, that it is necessary, do the other, more psychologically pleasant and lazy work.
For example:
instead, to communicate with customers in a thousand first drag the box; instead of developing an information system, talks about the advantages / disadvantages of other systems; instead of developing a difficult project, "communicate with partners»; instead of writing an article, format it; instead of phoning clients, draw a nice diagram of the report ... etc . etc. I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 7
I know that the question: "It will be done or not?" Replied: "I'll try" - indecent. I've never answer. To such questions I answer either "Yes" or "No". I also know that the following expressions are not allowed to eat, and therefore they do not drink:
"The first time I hear it».
"Call not phoned».
"Come back, but you (him, her, them ...) was not».
"I was looking for, but have not found».
"I thought ...». "
"This blame colleagues (customers, administration, incorrect / missing documents, public authorities, etc.)».
"This was before (before me, then ...)».
"I told (warned did ...)».
"And I said, no one».
"Why would I?».
"I have not heard».
"I do not know».
"Do not passed».
"It's not me, it's a department that ....».
"I wanted to, but did not work».
"I said, and he (she) did not do».
"I was at that time was not, it seems, was sick (he was on holiday, drunk, etc.)».
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 8
I consider indecent talk, hush up and conceal the problem (interpersonal, organizational, and others.) And discuss them on the sly (including colleagues) rather than pronounce them specifically and loud. All problems can not be solved, but any of them can be turned into a task - a source of new ideas.
I work on the principle that the problem - let slip - the problem - solution. I know another way to address the problems - regardless of my will - develop into gossip. So I think unseemly toward his colleagues to do otherwise.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate standard 9
I will never say anything bad about their company to outsiders, and will discuss the issue with the head.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 10
I know the three dangers of every person: envy, jealousy and laziness. To protect yourself from them, I am constantly in touch with colleagues, working together with them and bear responsibility if am getting them. I am open to dialogue, and regularly share the results.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 11
Before you submit a claim to anyone, I first ask myself three control issue:
What is the actual essence of the claim, the problem? What do I do not do to solve the problem? What is real and who is invited to do to solve the problem? Then I will answer the questions in writing and postponed the answers to two days. Before notify the others, carefully reread n. "A." If the claim does not disappear, do everything in my power of n. "B"; If the claim does not disappear again, rewrite the paragraph. "c" in the form of a list of problems and proposed solutions, as well as intuitive implementation plan.
I know no other way to complain to the company does not have, and I count on the fact that colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 12
The best thing I can do for colleagues in difficult situations - is to help, not reproaching. The best thing I can do in a difficult situation - is to ask colleagues for help, not reproaching for refusal.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 13
I understand that any communication with the outside world - it is advertising the company. For advertising and image of the Company meet all. With this in mind, I try each actual and potential customers turn into free advertising agent.
Corporate Standard 14
I bravely take up my new and unfamiliar business and I'm not afraid appear weak and incompetent. I know that I can always seek help from colleagues.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 15
I understand that I have no right to engage in business talks on business issues that are not within the scope of my competence, with someone else (including friends), not placing pre-notify your supervisor. The word "preliminary" in this standard key! If I get an offer from the side and not have the opportunity to inform about the upcoming pre-contact, I report on this proposal on the same day when it received.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 16
In the case of a proposal to me personally the commission by any organization or individual, I immediately stop politely relevant negotiations and announced the receipt of the offer to your supervisor. Thus, the responsibility for the further contact with the organization and / or individual passed me guidance, which may take the appropriate measures.
If I find out that this standard is not executed my subordinates, I am taking steps to dismissal of the slave (without justification).
I understand that the same rights in relation to me and has my head.
I hope that all colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 17
In the case of the office (phone call) any representative of any government organization with any question, I just politely see off (Turn) the respective representative to your supervisor, any conversations with him I do not conduct, and all questions answered: "Please, it's my leadership. "
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 18
I know that the brand standards listed here can be modified (canceled refined ...) no more frequently than once a year. The corresponding change (justification) must be prepared in writing to the initiator.
Corporate Standard 19
If I know of the existence of proizvodstvennnyh problems, even unrelated to my competence, I certainly report them to your supervisor.
I hope that my colleagues do likewise.
Corporate Standard 20
If I come up with a way to violate these standards, without breaking them, the Company may ask me, "Why you were looking this way?»
Where does all this lead
The reaction of the team to these documents, to put it mildly, has been mixed. Immediately I can say that there was not one person who, after reading the first came and said, "This is what you need! Thank you. Now I'll always carry your picture in his wallet, next to his wife and daughter. " Even my director said: "Yes, it's too much!".
People gathered in groups, discussing something, waving his hands. The document could be discussed anonymously (was posted on the wiki), and through feedback by email. People seethed. To me repeatedly went staff who were more active and represented one or another company of colleagues and friends. We got together and discussed by punktam.Chast items were thrown out of the reformulated.
After more or less a version that suited all I sent all the mail and asked to follow those rules. We did not sign the document "Corporate Standard" and no one was fired for refusing to sign.
After that went baiting manual check "for lice" that is, do they believe in what you have written or not? Especially popular was the chief public catch on anything or whether this did not correspond to "proprietary standards". But gradually all these jokes somehow become extended to other employees. I'm not a psychologist and I can not evaluate right or wrong. But it worked. Not immediately, of course, but it worked.
After about a month the total number of stocks on the project and reduced conflict. I can not say how much it is in%, I remember only that I began to come home earlier and less tired. The relationship between employees also changed for the better, was less shifting each other problems and shoals.
Perhaps all this time played - we just worked together, can any part made joint work on these documents or the documents themselves - I do not know.
In fairness it should be noted that the documents appeared with a certain time lag. First "Proprietary standards", then "Principles of Management».
What conclusions I made for myself:
The most important conclusion: if you are not prepared to adhere to these standards, do not start. You should only once not to listen to his subordinate, shrug off the problems and all - your credibility is lost. As with all your initiatives.
1. If you enter any standards of behavior in the company, without exception, must adhere to them.
2. All of the standards of conduct need to be discussed together, and together they take.
3. Your expectations and your employees better voice than to bite your elbows, you are each other not understood.
4. If you have a close-knit team, working together for several years and shows the results, unless absolutely necessary do not need to impose external standards of conduct. Do not break something that works.
I would appreciate it if you leave your opinion or simply share experiences.
P.S. He promised to give a reference to the finished files. They are now a lot of different corporate attributes - to clean all this I do not have enough motivation. The meaning is identical with the text of statey.Berite there. No hard feelings, right?
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218857/
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