Packing things, the beloved took sugar from the sugar bowl and toilet paper from the bathroom, and also twisted a couple of new outlets.
When he lives with you pettymanUnconsciously, you wonder, "Why is all this necessary?" However, while a woman reflects on her life, it may turn out that a man himself does not mind putting an end to the relationship. He is going to leave, taking half the apartment with him. How this is possible, read further in the article.
When I met Artem, he was in his last year of graduate school. I was already working and renting an apartment: there was enough money for everything. Having fallen in love with Artyom, I almost immediately suggested that he move to live with me. He agreed.
At first, I didn't mind keeping a guy. I was a student myself, so I knew it was better to focus on my studies and not look for some part-time jobs. Artem spent most of his free time at home. At first, I believed he was studying hard. But later it turned out that when Artyom occupied the laptop for a long time, he just played computer games.
I tried to talk to him, but Artem always found excuses. At one point, I couldn’t stand it and said to him, ‘Either you change something in your life or we break up!’ I know that giving ultimatums is a lost cause. But it worked! Artem found a job and started investing a little in our overall budget.
We were able to buy plasma together after a while. Artem, by the way, has already graduated from university and continued to work. I didn’t really know what he was doing or how much money he was making. After all, I still provided more for us.
A few months later, Artem said he was fired. I didn't want to put pressure on him; I didn't talk about a new job at first. But he was once again mired in his toys and as if he had lost touch with reality. Then I reminded him where the money came from and that I couldn't afford to pay for it myself.
He said he was going through a difficult period. Like, he needs my support. It's hard to believe when a person says that and looks at their computer screen without even facing me. Then I seriously thought about breaking up with Artem.
A serious decision I thought about for a long time. I told my mom everything. She was in shock and said I was living with a real dependent: "If you don't stop it now, it's only going to get worse, daughter!" My mother’s words convinced me, and I informed Artyom that our relationship was over. I asked him to leave as soon as possible.
To be honest, I was very surprised by his reaction. I guess deep down I was hoping he would want to fix it. But Artem just said, "OK." It was as if the relationship meant nothing to him.
The next day, when I returned from work, Artem was gone. He took all his belongings, but, besides that, literally took out half the apartment. I immediately noticed the lack of our plasma, and the kitchen didn't have the technology he was using. He even twisted the light bulbs and took the curtains off the windows!
But what struck me most was another: Artem emptied even the sugar bowl and dragged with him supplies of toilet paper. I'm not talking about the new sockets. God, why would he want them?
I never thought about how small he was before. But now I get it. I immediately called him and said, “OK, Artyom, we bought plasma together, let it be.” But sugar, toilet paper and sockets? Are you crazy?!
You'll never believe what he said to me. Artem said: Nastya, I hope someday you will stop being so greedy and petty! I don't know how I lived with you for so long. Goodbye!
You know, I was kind of laughing. It actually looks like a circus. But I exhaled with relief. Let him roll on all four sides. I'll make money on a new TV, and I'll buy toilet paper sometime. And Artem I am even grateful: taught me a lesson for life.
Not every woman is able to immediately understand that there is a petty person next to her. Sometimes you need to live with a man for a while and get burned, getting invaluable experience in return. Artem was lucky that his ex-girlfriend did not make a scandal and did not demand to return her property back. After all, if you think about it, he just robbed her to some extent. Is that what real men do?
What do you think of this story? What would you do in the place of the main character of the story?

When I met Artem, he was in his last year of graduate school. I was already working and renting an apartment: there was enough money for everything. Having fallen in love with Artyom, I almost immediately suggested that he move to live with me. He agreed.
At first, I didn't mind keeping a guy. I was a student myself, so I knew it was better to focus on my studies and not look for some part-time jobs. Artem spent most of his free time at home. At first, I believed he was studying hard. But later it turned out that when Artyom occupied the laptop for a long time, he just played computer games.

I tried to talk to him, but Artem always found excuses. At one point, I couldn’t stand it and said to him, ‘Either you change something in your life or we break up!’ I know that giving ultimatums is a lost cause. But it worked! Artem found a job and started investing a little in our overall budget.
We were able to buy plasma together after a while. Artem, by the way, has already graduated from university and continued to work. I didn’t really know what he was doing or how much money he was making. After all, I still provided more for us.

A few months later, Artem said he was fired. I didn't want to put pressure on him; I didn't talk about a new job at first. But he was once again mired in his toys and as if he had lost touch with reality. Then I reminded him where the money came from and that I couldn't afford to pay for it myself.
He said he was going through a difficult period. Like, he needs my support. It's hard to believe when a person says that and looks at their computer screen without even facing me. Then I seriously thought about breaking up with Artem.
A serious decision I thought about for a long time. I told my mom everything. She was in shock and said I was living with a real dependent: "If you don't stop it now, it's only going to get worse, daughter!" My mother’s words convinced me, and I informed Artyom that our relationship was over. I asked him to leave as soon as possible.
To be honest, I was very surprised by his reaction. I guess deep down I was hoping he would want to fix it. But Artem just said, "OK." It was as if the relationship meant nothing to him.

The next day, when I returned from work, Artem was gone. He took all his belongings, but, besides that, literally took out half the apartment. I immediately noticed the lack of our plasma, and the kitchen didn't have the technology he was using. He even twisted the light bulbs and took the curtains off the windows!
But what struck me most was another: Artem emptied even the sugar bowl and dragged with him supplies of toilet paper. I'm not talking about the new sockets. God, why would he want them?

I never thought about how small he was before. But now I get it. I immediately called him and said, “OK, Artyom, we bought plasma together, let it be.” But sugar, toilet paper and sockets? Are you crazy?!
You'll never believe what he said to me. Artem said: Nastya, I hope someday you will stop being so greedy and petty! I don't know how I lived with you for so long. Goodbye!

You know, I was kind of laughing. It actually looks like a circus. But I exhaled with relief. Let him roll on all four sides. I'll make money on a new TV, and I'll buy toilet paper sometime. And Artem I am even grateful: taught me a lesson for life.
Not every woman is able to immediately understand that there is a petty person next to her. Sometimes you need to live with a man for a while and get burned, getting invaluable experience in return. Artem was lucky that his ex-girlfriend did not make a scandal and did not demand to return her property back. After all, if you think about it, he just robbed her to some extent. Is that what real men do?
What do you think of this story? What would you do in the place of the main character of the story?
Mom is actively packing up and telling the neighbors that I'm taking her home, but I don't plan to.
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