Strategic food supply from the cook of the military sanatorium, if the situation becomes critical

Surely every house has a small one. stockpileWhich is definitely enough for a few days. However, there are such thrifty people who, if necessary, can do perfectly without going to the store even for several weeks.

And today's edition. "Site" He will talk about the habits of a former military man who prefers not to relax and is always ready to face difficulties. What products do you always have on hand, and what can you do without?

My neighbor, a former chef of a military sanatorium, is sure that people living a well-fed and peaceful life, eventually lose their instinct for self-preservation. They begin to believe too much in the power of money. Although it is enough to have an emergency, as all their cash will turn into useless pieces of paper. And the cashless will turn out to be a blank, writes Andrei.

“I take such statements without much faith. Maybe it's because I've never had a close relationship with the army. Maybe I really don't understand something. But one day my neighbor and I began to develop this topic, and I learned how well this man is prepared for any surprises. Take, for example, its stock of food.”

“The neighbour approached the matter thoroughly. Although he told me that the point of having such a stock is not to eat tasty food, but to have enough food for a long period. Until the situation returns to normal or we can wait for outside help.”

The basis in such a stock are “eternal” products like rice, sugar, salt and honey. After all, even in an open package, rice will be stored for three years. And if you stock up on white polished rice, placing it in a sealed package (reliably hidden from rodents), then it will stand for 20 and 30 years. Cooking rice is simple, it is nutritious, gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.”

“Salt is also necessary. With this most popular seasoning, any food becomes delicious. Salt can be used as a preservative. With salt, you can, for example, prepare fish or meat so that the product is stored for a long time. The same can be said of sugar.”

“Honey is also necessary. This is not just a sweetness for tea, but the most important part of the life-saving stock, a useful and nutritious product. With honey, it will be possible to cure a cold with a cough, and wounds to heal, and immunity to increase. And honey has been stored for decades. The main thing is to initially take a quality and natural product.”

What goodies to take “Not did my neighbor and without the preparation of delicacies.” In order not to eat rice alone, he stocked up on dried meat. Also found in his “cache” a place for crackers, dried vegetables and beans with peas. There was also a soy sauce that could diversify any dish.”

“The neighbour is confident that this stock is more than sufficient. Like, and inexpensive, and space does not take much, and enough for a long time. As before, I do not want to collect any set. I don't see the need for that. And if a neighbor with such a supply of food sleeps more calmly, then this is his business, says Andrei.

I wonder why this ex-soldier didn’t add to the stock products stew, canned food or pasta. And besides food, you can certainly stock up on many other things that definitely do not interfere, for example, matches, socks or soap.

What do you think about that? Tell me in the comments.


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