I worked in Poland at a red fish factory, I will tell you which salmon tastes better.

“How do you bake red fish in the oven?” I asked a friend who worked in a red fish factory in Poland for many years. She certainly knows how to choose the best salmon and how to cook it properly.

Today's edition. "Site" It offers a deeper look into the world of salmon. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of salmon and how to choose it correctly. We will also share a time-tested recipe. redfish.

How to bake red fish in the oven

Odes to red fish can be sung endlessly. Its taste is liked by everyone without exception, even those who do not like the rest of the fish. The benefits are also undeniable: it is one of the best sources of amino acids and protein. All types of red fish contain vitamins A, D, E, PP, group B, iodine, fluoride, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and many other trace elements, including selenium, which is called the trace element of longevity.

Contained in red fish vitamin D immunityThis fish is especially valuable due to the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it. But these nutrients and the taste of red fish depends on where and how salmon spent their lives.

Wash carefully to the picture and ask yourself: what piece of salmon would you choose?

On the right, we see a piece of saturated red without white fat inserts. This is what a healthy salmon looks like. On the left, we see a pale color, which means the fish was frail. And as a result, she grew up on a farm.

Saturated color is one of the indicators of the quality of fish. All right. astaxanthin. Essentially, astaxanthin is a bright red molecule found in algae, plankton and krill. This is what makes red fish so useful. For example, this supplement is able to increase endurance by 60%. And this is only one of the indicators, and there are many more!

Wild salmon varieties We get this red molecule from the plankton that the fish eat. Especially the sockeye.

But on farms, salmon feed on granules of food that does not contain this molecule, there is nowhere to get it. Therefore, farm owners use synthetic substances for this. These, in turn, are produced from petrochemical products such as coal. Feel the difference and the trick? Fishmeal and oil, which are fed to fish on farms, may be at risk of contamination with dioxin and mercury.

The conclusion suggests itself: try to abandon salmon grown on farms and choose fish of wild varieties.

Salmon species A for the better salmonizeTo understand which Far Eastern beauty to choose for a fry, and which for an ambassador, in what month you can expect a fresh catch and so on, here are a couple of clues.

One of the large wild fish with saturated red meat is cohosh. It has almost white scales (for which in Russia it was called “white fish”, and in America it is called silver salmon). It feeds on small insects, small fry and caviar of other fish, which it finds in shallow water.

Calorie low, suitable for the whole family, especially children and the elderly. The texture of the meat is soft (sometimes too much, it is better to cut frozen) and tender. The taste is slightly tart, quite peculiar, but it is delicious. Coel is ideal for baking, frying, you can cook kebabs or marinate.

Well, my favorite variety is sockeye. What's so special about her? The first is that its meat is indecently red, and there is a simple explanation. It is the sockeye that feeds on crustaceans-calanides, which give its meat such a rich color.

In general, everything in it is beautiful - delicate, slightly viscous texture, not greasy, not dry and fantastically delicious. Very, very noble taste. You can bake, cook or fry. But if it is salted, and then laid out on bread with butter, it is just a gastronomic explosion, no other way.

From dietary You can mark a ketah. Her meat is low-fat and low-calorie. It can be salted, baked and stewed. But it is important not to dry when cooking.

Well, the most common type is pink salmon. Meat color: red and pink. The taste of the meat is soft, low-fat and dense. It is suitable for baking, pickling, boiling and smoking. Well, the rarest and most valuable salmon is chinook. The Japanese call this fish “the prince of salmon”, and the Americans call it “the king of salmon”. Its meat is red and orange with clear fat layers.

Red fish in the oven Ingredients
  • 0.5 kg of wild salmon
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1.5 tbsp crushed dill, parsley and garlic
  • salt
  • 0.5 lemons

  1. File salmon cut into portioned pieces. Grease each of the pieces with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. It is better to take a large sea salt.
  2. Put the fish on a bowl covered with parchment paper.
  3. On top sprinkle pieces of fish with crushed garlic, parsley and dill. I also like to add lemon pepper. On top, lubricate with slightly melted butter.
  4. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon. No more sauces and spices, do not interrupt the taste of good fish!
  5. Wrap the parchment around the fish, folding and picking up the seams so that the steam does not evaporate.
  6. Bake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 20 minutes.


I also want to know how to make cheese soup from salmon. This dish can diversify your lunches and please yourself with something new!

Now you know how to choose and how to bake red fish in the oven, so that the household gasped with delight.

Separately, I want to talk about the method salmon. Believe me, there is no more delicious, simpler and more useful recipe! At home, even children eat this fish, who do not like ordinary fish, and here they sweep right out of the heat with the heat. I highly recommend it!


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