The daily life of the Soviet people was not distinguished by joy or happiness.
As much as we would like, but everyday life of Soviet people There was no special joy or happiness. This is true, and it is long worth admitting. The Soviet Union existed from 1922 to 1992. And, of course, he left his legacy: China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and, of course, North Korea. These states followed the paved path of the USSR.
We will not criticize or praise the current system. But, agree, this list of countries is somehow not accepted to include in your tourist route. Although there are positive features as well. For example, China is growing rapidly in comparison to its past. Did they pay a high price for it? It doesn’t matter if in 2018 the Chinese rank 2nd in nominal GDP in the world.
Everyday life of the Soviet people and yet the Union. He has had many years in his lifetime (or not?). In this article, we would like to focus on the late Soviet period. Tensions in the country have already subsided, people have begun to feel better, but at the same time, there has not yet been any special freedom. Ideology has faded into the background, but people are still not ready for change.
GettyImages Khrushchev appear. In fact, their construction begins in the second half of the 50s. And the shelf life of such housing should not exceed 45-50 years. That is, logically, in 2005-2015 they should have been demolished. But it is only in a fairy tale that everything is easy and fast, and people just continue to live where they lived. With hope for a better future.
And so people living in these Khrushchevs at that time naturally wanted to somehow improve their comfort level. In the end, all of humanity in one way or another goes to this. But in the USSR there was such a thing as deficit. Today’s young people won’t even understand it, no matter how hard you try to explain it to them.
Goods were scarce, everyone waited their turn, and shop windows were as clean as a baby’s tear. Naturally, managers felt very good in those years, but the simple man to buy, for example, baby food was not an easy task. I really had to go home and feed the baby. The money was there, there was nothing to buy. Now, they say, the situation is the opposite, but to the point.
The people responded, as always, with humor. In the famous magazine “Crocodile” there are many caricatures on the topic of scarcity. What can we say if even now our people in Europe or in the world can be clearly separated from foreigners: in a restaurant we will be alone in the corner of bread to collect the remnants of sauce from a plate. Why? You have to eat all the dishes, to the end!
Now, a new time has come. Old habits go away, and only people who have found that period are unhappy with the youth.
- You know, granddaughter, if God forbid, what will happen, what will you do? At one time we had a supply of canned food, matches, salt and everything. What about you?
I have thousands of funny pictures on my phone. I'm ready too!
Even the modern generation stands out from the general flow of Europeans. At the ski resort, some percentage of tourists will put a hat inside the jacket sleeve. If you see such a person, do not be shy: you can start a conversation with him in Russian by 99.9%, and he will understand you!
Or here's another thing: everyone at least once saw an old Soviet set. But adults forbade him from touching. Why? Because it was given to them as a trophy. Common-looking household items: cups, plates, another little thing. But what a tragedy it would be if one of those things accidentally crashed. And now these things can be found at any flea market at a penny price. New, unused.
Which I would like to say for the last time. The “tastiest” Soviet ice cream only seemed so because there were no alternatives. The edge of warm bread from childhood did not spoil, even became tastier. Unfortunately, childhood itself cannot be returned. And not only toilet paper sausages are sold on store shelves. It just costs more.
The current agenda also has its downsides. That's right. But, nevertheless, society is trying, working to get rid of them as much as possible. Today, almost any product can be ordered online even from another country, and there is nothing sensational about it. The future is here. We just have to keep fighting for its quality.
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We will not criticize or praise the current system. But, agree, this list of countries is somehow not accepted to include in your tourist route. Although there are positive features as well. For example, China is growing rapidly in comparison to its past. Did they pay a high price for it? It doesn’t matter if in 2018 the Chinese rank 2nd in nominal GDP in the world.
Everyday life of the Soviet people and yet the Union. He has had many years in his lifetime (or not?). In this article, we would like to focus on the late Soviet period. Tensions in the country have already subsided, people have begun to feel better, but at the same time, there has not yet been any special freedom. Ideology has faded into the background, but people are still not ready for change.

GettyImages Khrushchev appear. In fact, their construction begins in the second half of the 50s. And the shelf life of such housing should not exceed 45-50 years. That is, logically, in 2005-2015 they should have been demolished. But it is only in a fairy tale that everything is easy and fast, and people just continue to live where they lived. With hope for a better future.
And so people living in these Khrushchevs at that time naturally wanted to somehow improve their comfort level. In the end, all of humanity in one way or another goes to this. But in the USSR there was such a thing as deficit. Today’s young people won’t even understand it, no matter how hard you try to explain it to them.

Goods were scarce, everyone waited their turn, and shop windows were as clean as a baby’s tear. Naturally, managers felt very good in those years, but the simple man to buy, for example, baby food was not an easy task. I really had to go home and feed the baby. The money was there, there was nothing to buy. Now, they say, the situation is the opposite, but to the point.
The people responded, as always, with humor. In the famous magazine “Crocodile” there are many caricatures on the topic of scarcity. What can we say if even now our people in Europe or in the world can be clearly separated from foreigners: in a restaurant we will be alone in the corner of bread to collect the remnants of sauce from a plate. Why? You have to eat all the dishes, to the end!

Now, a new time has come. Old habits go away, and only people who have found that period are unhappy with the youth.
- You know, granddaughter, if God forbid, what will happen, what will you do? At one time we had a supply of canned food, matches, salt and everything. What about you?
I have thousands of funny pictures on my phone. I'm ready too!
Even the modern generation stands out from the general flow of Europeans. At the ski resort, some percentage of tourists will put a hat inside the jacket sleeve. If you see such a person, do not be shy: you can start a conversation with him in Russian by 99.9%, and he will understand you!

Or here's another thing: everyone at least once saw an old Soviet set. But adults forbade him from touching. Why? Because it was given to them as a trophy. Common-looking household items: cups, plates, another little thing. But what a tragedy it would be if one of those things accidentally crashed. And now these things can be found at any flea market at a penny price. New, unused.
Which I would like to say for the last time. The “tastiest” Soviet ice cream only seemed so because there were no alternatives. The edge of warm bread from childhood did not spoil, even became tastier. Unfortunately, childhood itself cannot be returned. And not only toilet paper sausages are sold on store shelves. It just costs more.

The current agenda also has its downsides. That's right. But, nevertheless, society is trying, working to get rid of them as much as possible. Today, almost any product can be ordered online even from another country, and there is nothing sensational about it. The future is here. We just have to keep fighting for its quality.
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All autumn I cook soups as usual, they are very much loved by my home.
I worked in Poland at a red fish factory, I will tell you which salmon tastes better.