Depressing worries of Soviet women, because of which there was no free minute in a day
It's no secret that life in the Land of the Soviets was very different from the present. Including in everyday life. The editors of "Site" will tell you what the life of a Soviet person looked like and what useless homework was taking up a lot of time from women of that time.
© Depositphotos Life of the Soviet people Until now, many people are nostalgic for life in the Soviet Union. However, there are many who sincerely do not understand how one can grieve for those times. Today we will take a closer look at the life of Soviet women.
The fact is that, with all the equality and tolerance of the communist system, household chores were still entrusted mainly to fragile women's shoulders. And it was in everyday matters that there were many such nuances, without which life is much easier now. But at that time, give up at least one tedious ritual, and in the yard they will provide the stigma of a bad mistress for life.
Have you come across such useless household chores? Feel free to share your memories in the comments. Of course, we have listed only some of the most frequent and obvious homework that ate up a lot of energy from Soviet housewives. Because of them, graceful girls turned into tortured machines for housekeeping.
Of course, against the background of such a depressing routine, moments of relaxation and other amenities seemed like a real paradise. So a pleasant nostalgia settled in people's minds. After all, the bad is forgotten quickly, but the good remains in the soul forever.

© Depositphotos Life of the Soviet people Until now, many people are nostalgic for life in the Soviet Union. However, there are many who sincerely do not understand how one can grieve for those times. Today we will take a closer look at the life of Soviet women.
The fact is that, with all the equality and tolerance of the communist system, household chores were still entrusted mainly to fragile women's shoulders. And it was in everyday matters that there were many such nuances, without which life is much easier now. But at that time, give up at least one tedious ritual, and in the yard they will provide the stigma of a bad mistress for life.
- Endless queues The famous queues in the Land of the Soviets are a separate phenomenon. There are countless anecdotes about them based on real life stories. Most of the jokes boil down to the fact that Soviet people spend half of their life in line, if not all of it.
Getty Images The biggest disappointment was not even the length of these lines, but the ill-conceived system of service in stores. After all, each department had a separate queue. First, you stood in line to weigh the goods, then in another line to pay for it at the price indicated on the coupon. And then in the third, to pick up your buckwheat, butter or something else.
Getty Images - Blanks, canning and other hassle with food And then you came home, having defended three lines for only one unfortunate buckwheat. But before you cook, you still need to sort it out. GOSTs and other product standardization, which, in the opinion of many, was at its best in the Soviet Union, in fact often subsided. So, in cereals one could find pebbles and other impurities, and in the worst case, and mouse droppings. So I had to sort everything out manually.
© Depositphotos If we talk about homemade preparations and canned food, they are, of course, tastier than any purchased ones. But how many pressure cookers exploded in Soviet kitchens, how many wonderful summer weekends were killed by endlessly rinsing cans in boiling water and twisting cans with all their might. For some, this is all a favorite ritual, but in Soviet times, even those who hated it with all their hearts were forced to do this routine.
© Depositphotos - Washing, ironing and starching Many women still remember with fear the Soviet washing machines. But even this frightening unit still had to be obtained through friends. Many have had to do it by hand for years, if not decades. One could forget about the tenderness of women's hands after a couple of years of family life.
© Depositphotos The biggest horror was the nappies period . After all, there could be no talk of any diapers then. The first year of a child's life turned the life of newly-made parents into a living hell: the diapers were drying throughout the house, and they were simply washed 24/7. And then everything still needs to be ironed out. It's scary to remember about starching bed linen, collars and school aprons.
© Depositphotos
Have you come across such useless household chores? Feel free to share your memories in the comments. Of course, we have listed only some of the most frequent and obvious homework that ate up a lot of energy from Soviet housewives. Because of them, graceful girls turned into tortured machines for housekeeping.
Of course, against the background of such a depressing routine, moments of relaxation and other amenities seemed like a real paradise. So a pleasant nostalgia settled in people's minds. After all, the bad is forgotten quickly, but the good remains in the soul forever.
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