This is why raw food eaters do not have monthly periods! The doctors explained this anomaly...
Every woman who has repeatedly suffered from painful symptoms of menstruation, tormented by the questions: why do we need these periods at all, why do they go so often and why it is impossible that all the blood comes out at once?
In biology textbooks, you can read that each menstrual cycle prepares the female body for pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the egg dies, and the body hastily gets rid of everything old and grows a new egg.
But have you ever wondered why, for example, wild animals do not have a female sex? menstruation and menopause? All because they live in harmony with nature and eat the food that is really intended for them.
But if these animals are tamed, fed with “human” food and subjected to the stresses of civilized life, then soon they will have menstruation with all the ensuing consequences.
Many luminaries of gynecology support the opinion that menstruation is not the norm, but a pathology caused by an unnatural diet of dead food. In the book Diseases of Children and Women, Dr. Tilden argues that whiteness and menstruation are nothing more than the release of toxins through the mucous membranes of the reproductive system.
Also, the doctor insists that our body is adapted only to the use of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Such nutrition along with a healthy lifestyle can reduce and eliminate slagging of the body. As a result, menstruation may become less frequent or disappear altogether.
Direct proof of this theory are people who have been helped by raw food to change their lives for the better: Before I completely changed my diet and lifestyle, every 28 days I suffered from 6-day diets. period.
They were accompanied by depression, emotional imbalance and increased weakness. Recently, I started following the rules of natural hygiene, and now menstruation appears every 40 days and lasts only 3 days. I only feel a slight weakness on the first day.
I personally know many women who have switched to raw food, and they also have a similar improvement. And for some menstruation and completely disappeared. At the Dr. Shelton School of Health in San Antonio, Texas, you can find medical histories of patients who have improved health. monthly bleeding.
We believe in the power of proper nutrition! How do you feel about raw food? Be sure to share your thoughts on this in the comments.

In biology textbooks, you can read that each menstrual cycle prepares the female body for pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the egg dies, and the body hastily gets rid of everything old and grows a new egg.

But have you ever wondered why, for example, wild animals do not have a female sex? menstruation and menopause? All because they live in harmony with nature and eat the food that is really intended for them.

But if these animals are tamed, fed with “human” food and subjected to the stresses of civilized life, then soon they will have menstruation with all the ensuing consequences.

Many luminaries of gynecology support the opinion that menstruation is not the norm, but a pathology caused by an unnatural diet of dead food. In the book Diseases of Children and Women, Dr. Tilden argues that whiteness and menstruation are nothing more than the release of toxins through the mucous membranes of the reproductive system.

Also, the doctor insists that our body is adapted only to the use of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Such nutrition along with a healthy lifestyle can reduce and eliminate slagging of the body. As a result, menstruation may become less frequent or disappear altogether.

Direct proof of this theory are people who have been helped by raw food to change their lives for the better: Before I completely changed my diet and lifestyle, every 28 days I suffered from 6-day diets. period.

They were accompanied by depression, emotional imbalance and increased weakness. Recently, I started following the rules of natural hygiene, and now menstruation appears every 40 days and lasts only 3 days. I only feel a slight weakness on the first day.

I personally know many women who have switched to raw food, and they also have a similar improvement. And for some menstruation and completely disappeared. At the Dr. Shelton School of Health in San Antonio, Texas, you can find medical histories of patients who have improved health. monthly bleeding.

We believe in the power of proper nutrition! How do you feel about raw food? Be sure to share your thoughts on this in the comments.
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