A man will be yours forever if you say that. Strong gender confirms!
What tricks women do not go to conquer a man, and especially to keep him! Makeup, pedicure, manicure, hair removal, fitness - this is just a small list that helps to keep yourself in shape and stand out among other women. We all know that men love with their eyes, so we invest a lot of energy and money in their shell.
Famous “sponges bow, butt faucet” only make a man pay attention to you. It is necessary to maintain beauty, but retainer It's different for years to come. Editorial "Site" He will tell you the secret to a long and happy relationship.
Of course, no one will advise how to win the heart of a man, better than the representatives of the stronger sex. It was to them that we turned to learn the secret of their love and loyalty. Turns out it's all about words. Yes, they do not deny that a woman should be beautiful. But for them it is as a matter of course. Several men admitted that caresses and hearing and how a woman literally in one word can conquer a man and tame forever.
What to say to a man
Editorial Board Pride is foe. Always say warm words to your soulmate, because they have tremendous power. The payoff won't take long.
Love each other! Share useful information with your friends on social networks.
Famous “sponges bow, butt faucet” only make a man pay attention to you. It is necessary to maintain beauty, but retainer It's different for years to come. Editorial "Site" He will tell you the secret to a long and happy relationship.
Of course, no one will advise how to win the heart of a man, better than the representatives of the stronger sex. It was to them that we turned to learn the secret of their love and loyalty. Turns out it's all about words. Yes, they do not deny that a woman should be beautiful. But for them it is as a matter of course. Several men admitted that caresses and hearing and how a woman literally in one word can conquer a man and tame forever.
What to say to a man
- “Say that you feel safe around me. This is something that is inherent in us, and such a compliment touches on a subconscious level. I want to be the protector of this fragile woman all my life.”
- “I love being called sexy and strong. But often women call their lovers good, kind, sweet. But how about being a real man like that?
- “I hear so often that girls like compliments and demand it from men. And they can spend hours praising a man in front of a friend, but they will not say pleasant words to their chosen one. It is also important to hear praise. Dialogue and pleasurable words are necessary in a relationship.”
- “I want to be there for you, and I really need you,” say something like that. It's very important for a man to hear that. All women want incredible feats and efforts from us. It is important to know that she needs you and no one else. Then you know what you're trying to do.”
- “Thank you is a magical word. Everyone knows its power, but for some reason they don’t. When I am thanked for even the most mundane things, it is very encouraging and inspiring.”
- “... inches is exactly what I need. I hate the huge size.”
- My wife very rarely says that I am a great father and husband. But when he does, I want to do more for my family!
- “My girlfriend has children from a previous marriage. Yesterday I sat with them all evening: playing, feeding, reading fairy tales. She didn't even thank me for it. And then there will be complaints as to why I don’t want to do something.”
- Any version of the phrase: “I like to be with you”
- “You want to hear about giving, not just that you owe something. A friend’s girlfriend once said to a toast: “I wish you to be a strong man in any situation in life, and I will try to be your inspiration.” Everyone fell in love with her...”
Editorial Board Pride is foe. Always say warm words to your soulmate, because they have tremendous power. The payoff won't take long.
Love each other! Share useful information with your friends on social networks.
12 minutes in the morning every day: weighed her husband, lost weight by 7 kg
This French dish will delight you with its delicate taste! Potatoes "Dofine": the original recipe.