Exercises to strengthen the neck of Sergei Bubnovsky
The cervical spine is one of the most mobile and unprotected areas of the musculoskeletal system, which undergoes various degenerative changes with age. Hence the decrease in mobility and the occurrence of pain syndrome. Gymnastics neck exercises on Bubnovsky A real salvation for millions, because they do not require much time, and their effectiveness has been proven in practice.
"Site" tell you, How to get rid of neck pain Strengthen your muscles using Dr. Bubnovsky’s simple technique. 7 simple exercises will do the impossible. Don't be lazy!
These simple and effective exercises can be mastered in 1-2 workouts at any age, they can be included in the complex for morning exercises or performed separately. Before class begins lighten up Or a self-heating neck massage. Such a trick will help accelerate blood circulation and outflow of lymph, as well as stop muscle spasm.
If dizziness and malaise occur in the standing position, then the exercises should be performed sitting. If pain or discomfort increases, the lesson should be stopped and consult with an instructor or doctor. The breathing rhythm is also important: the exercise is performed on inhalation, and the return to the original position is on exhalation.
According to Dr. Bubnovsky, you can get rid of neck pain quickly enough, but only with regular and proper performance of these simple and accessible to everyone exercises. In addition, do not forget about proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits. A little effort and self-organization, and very soon you will get rid of the debilitating pain in the neck. Bless you!

"Site" tell you, How to get rid of neck pain Strengthen your muscles using Dr. Bubnovsky’s simple technique. 7 simple exercises will do the impossible. Don't be lazy!
These simple and effective exercises can be mastered in 1-2 workouts at any age, they can be included in the complex for morning exercises or performed separately. Before class begins lighten up Or a self-heating neck massage. Such a trick will help accelerate blood circulation and outflow of lymph, as well as stop muscle spasm.
If dizziness and malaise occur in the standing position, then the exercises should be performed sitting. If pain or discomfort increases, the lesson should be stopped and consult with an instructor or doctor. The breathing rhythm is also important: the exercise is performed on inhalation, and the return to the original position is on exhalation.

- The Metro.
The first exercise is slow tilts of the head to the right shoulder, then to the left. Straighten your back and smoothly tilt your head to your right shoulder. Hold in that position for 30 seconds. After returning to the original position, perform the same manipulation in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times. - "The Pool."
Bow your head as forward as possible, touching the chin of the chest. Then smoothly stretch your neck forward and up. Do 5 repetitions. - "Heron"
During this simple exercise, the muscles of the neck and chest spine are perfectly worked out. In the sitting position, straighten your back and put your hands on your knees. Gradually take your hands behind your back, while pulling your chin up. Carefully strain the muscles and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Do 5 repetitions. - "A look at the sky"
Put your head back, then turn it from side to side. This exercise consists of 6 repetitions. - "Fakir."
This exercise partially repeats the previous one. Raise your arms and hold them over your head. Smoothly turn your head to the right and left, lingering in each position for 15-30 seconds. Do 6 repetitions. - "Frame"
This exercise is effective in osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Place your left hand on your right shoulder, then slowly turn your head to the left. Hold in that position for 30 seconds. Then, changing the position of the hand, repeat in the opposite direction. Do 5 smooth reps. Can you feel your muscles tensing? - Goose.
The final exercise to strengthen the neck muscles is carried out in a standing position. It is extremely effective in relaxing and stretching muscles, giving a feeling of liberation and relaxation. Stand up straight, arms out at the seams. The neck should be straightened, the chin and shoulders parallel to the floor. Pull your head forward, turn to the side and reach your chin to your shoulder, trying to touch the latter. Repeat the same action in the opposite direction. Perform 5 repetitions for each shoulder.
According to Dr. Bubnovsky, you can get rid of neck pain quickly enough, but only with regular and proper performance of these simple and accessible to everyone exercises. In addition, do not forget about proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits. A little effort and self-organization, and very soon you will get rid of the debilitating pain in the neck. Bless you!