Alexander Drozhennikov: This is nonsense! Intervertebral discs should not touch and to avoid this ...”
Nature has rewarded humanity with upright walking, but for this we pay a lot of diseases of the spine and not only it. The spine is the backbone of our body, and it experiences tremendous pressure throughout life. Running, jumping, walking, sharp inclinations, turns, lifting weights - all this in one way or another affects the condition of our spine.
Over time, the vertebrae more and more "sink" and the distance between them decreases, the intervertebral discs touch. This leads to deformation and displacement of the discs, compression of nerve trunks and blood vessels. What can we do to avoid this?
Editorial "Site" share with you spine-strengtheningwhich will help you to straighten it quickly.
Most people lead a lifestyle that does not contribute to health and longevity. Modern life forces people to spend more and more time sitting, which is very detrimental to our health, and especially the condition of the spine. As the saying goes, “Sitting is the new smoking!” And it really is. Sitting causes no less harm to the body.
Most often, there is no possibility to completely change your lifestyle, but there is always the opportunity to take care of your spine. It doesn't take much. Expert on longevity Alexander Drozennikov recommends only one exercise that will help posture And straighten the spine.
To perform this exercise, you only need a chair or stool. The starting position is sitting, knees at right angles, legs are firmly on the floor. Hands are placed on the hips, wrists rest on the lower abdomen. Now slowly start arching your spine.
You need to bend so that the tailbone is located parallel to the floor. You have to feel this deflection, only in this position all parts of the spine align. After you have fixed the spine in this position, start pressing your hands on your hips.
Stretching upwards with your whole body, you must feel how each vertebra separates from each other. Imagine this in your head, and physically press your hands on your thighs and stretch out more and more. Feel every vertebra.
Now focus your attention on your neck. Reduce the pressure of your hands and slowly stretch your neck. Pull the back of your head rather than your chin, and remember to keep your bend. Tighten the muscles of the upper back and add pressure again with your hands. You have to bend so that your arms are straight. Stay in that position for a few minutes and then relax.
Each person needs a different amount of time to perform this exercise. You can finish the exercise when you feel a complete deflection of the spine. But the frequency of the exercise depends on your desire, but the more often, the better.
After the exercise you will feel relief, the discs will stand in place, the spine will align. If you do this exercise regularly, you will notice how your health will improve. The work of many internal organs depends on the spine, each vertebra is associated with a certain organ. This exercise helps restore blood supply and establish the work of the whole body.
In this video, Alexander Drozennikov details and shows how to perform this beautiful exercise.
It is never too late to take care of your spine and health in general, and it does not require any titanic efforts. Just one easy exercise that won’t take long, but will benefit you immensely. Make it a habit every morning and your life will change. Health and longevity to you!
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Over time, the vertebrae more and more "sink" and the distance between them decreases, the intervertebral discs touch. This leads to deformation and displacement of the discs, compression of nerve trunks and blood vessels. What can we do to avoid this?
Editorial "Site" share with you spine-strengtheningwhich will help you to straighten it quickly.
Most people lead a lifestyle that does not contribute to health and longevity. Modern life forces people to spend more and more time sitting, which is very detrimental to our health, and especially the condition of the spine. As the saying goes, “Sitting is the new smoking!” And it really is. Sitting causes no less harm to the body.

Most often, there is no possibility to completely change your lifestyle, but there is always the opportunity to take care of your spine. It doesn't take much. Expert on longevity Alexander Drozennikov recommends only one exercise that will help posture And straighten the spine.

To perform this exercise, you only need a chair or stool. The starting position is sitting, knees at right angles, legs are firmly on the floor. Hands are placed on the hips, wrists rest on the lower abdomen. Now slowly start arching your spine.
You need to bend so that the tailbone is located parallel to the floor. You have to feel this deflection, only in this position all parts of the spine align. After you have fixed the spine in this position, start pressing your hands on your hips.

Stretching upwards with your whole body, you must feel how each vertebra separates from each other. Imagine this in your head, and physically press your hands on your thighs and stretch out more and more. Feel every vertebra.
Now focus your attention on your neck. Reduce the pressure of your hands and slowly stretch your neck. Pull the back of your head rather than your chin, and remember to keep your bend. Tighten the muscles of the upper back and add pressure again with your hands. You have to bend so that your arms are straight. Stay in that position for a few minutes and then relax.

Each person needs a different amount of time to perform this exercise. You can finish the exercise when you feel a complete deflection of the spine. But the frequency of the exercise depends on your desire, but the more often, the better.
After the exercise you will feel relief, the discs will stand in place, the spine will align. If you do this exercise regularly, you will notice how your health will improve. The work of many internal organs depends on the spine, each vertebra is associated with a certain organ. This exercise helps restore blood supply and establish the work of the whole body.

In this video, Alexander Drozennikov details and shows how to perform this beautiful exercise.
It is never too late to take care of your spine and health in general, and it does not require any titanic efforts. Just one easy exercise that won’t take long, but will benefit you immensely. Make it a habit every morning and your life will change. Health and longevity to you!
If this article was useful to you, share it with your friends!
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It is difficult, no, impossible to list all the beneficial properties of these wonderful seeds.