How to relax after a busy working day
After a hard day's work, I want to come home, lie down on the couch. Relax and forget about all the problems. Of course, this is a great way to relax, but Alexander Drozhennikov offers something else. Our backs work as hard all day, even if we just sit. She also needs rest, and the best option in this case is to perform simple exercises.
To relax and strengthen the spine, Alexander Drozennikov suggests performing a simple exercise. And tonight. "Site" I'll tell you which one. Trust me, your back will thank you.
We will talk about only one exercise, but very powerful and effective. In one fell swoop, you can strengthen and relax the muscles of the back and neck, as well as the pectoral muscles. Immediately after the performance, you will feel your back relaxing and stiffness passing. Regular execution will bring you a more durable result: the discomfort will go away, and the muscles will become stronger.
Well, let's get to the exercise. Below will be a video in which Alexander Drozennikov will demonstrate the exercise, but in the meantime, let’s understand the technique. Let’s take everything into consideration...
The initial position lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbows, palms on the floor near the shoulders, forehead rests on the floor. On inhalation, start slowly lifting your head up. Your task at this stage is to throw your head back as much as possible.
Now put the shoulder blades together. Do not forget to breathe smoothly, taking even breaths and exhalations. Now take your hands off the floor, press them against your shoulders. Hold your back muscles. Try to turn your palms out of your head. Hold on in this position and count to ten.
Now slowly return to the starting position. Do a couple of breathing cycles and repeat the exercise again. Repeat the whole cycle several times. In general, the exercise is recommended to perform a couple of times a day, you can in the morning and evening. Just one exercise, but what a powerful one. You immediately feel the back and neck muscles working, everything in motion.
And here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov shows everything clearly.
We have already tried this exercise and we can safely say that it is amazing. Immediately, even breathing becomes easier. The chest opens, and in the spine appears unprecedented lightness. It feels incredible! Have you tried the exercise yet?

To relax and strengthen the spine, Alexander Drozennikov suggests performing a simple exercise. And tonight. "Site" I'll tell you which one. Trust me, your back will thank you.
We will talk about only one exercise, but very powerful and effective. In one fell swoop, you can strengthen and relax the muscles of the back and neck, as well as the pectoral muscles. Immediately after the performance, you will feel your back relaxing and stiffness passing. Regular execution will bring you a more durable result: the discomfort will go away, and the muscles will become stronger.

Well, let's get to the exercise. Below will be a video in which Alexander Drozennikov will demonstrate the exercise, but in the meantime, let’s understand the technique. Let’s take everything into consideration...

The initial position lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbows, palms on the floor near the shoulders, forehead rests on the floor. On inhalation, start slowly lifting your head up. Your task at this stage is to throw your head back as much as possible.

Now put the shoulder blades together. Do not forget to breathe smoothly, taking even breaths and exhalations. Now take your hands off the floor, press them against your shoulders. Hold your back muscles. Try to turn your palms out of your head. Hold on in this position and count to ten.

Now slowly return to the starting position. Do a couple of breathing cycles and repeat the exercise again. Repeat the whole cycle several times. In general, the exercise is recommended to perform a couple of times a day, you can in the morning and evening. Just one exercise, but what a powerful one. You immediately feel the back and neck muscles working, everything in motion.

And here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov shows everything clearly.
We have already tried this exercise and we can safely say that it is amazing. Immediately, even breathing becomes easier. The chest opens, and in the spine appears unprecedented lightness. It feels incredible! Have you tried the exercise yet?