Exercise Rider is a super fat burner! To make the folds go away, raise your hands up and then...
I was not very lucky, nature did not reward me with a sharpened figure. Therefore, you have to constantly work on this, looking for more and more exercises for weight loss. One of the most important problems was the fat at the waist, which never came down, no matter what I did. But that was only until I found it. fat-burningAnd today I'm going to tell you about him.
Exercise for burning fat Exercise "Rider" - the most weight-loss exerciseIt's the kind of thing you can think of. This exercise works very quickly, the results can be seen as soon as possible. It helps to get rid of excess fat at the waist and hips. It is thanks to him that such hated “galifa” can be defeated.
The most interesting thing is that thanks to the exercise “Rider” you can also strengthen immunity. If you do it regularly, you can forget about colds once and for all. In addition, the exercise will make you stronger, because when it is performed, almost all the muscles of the legs are involved: the buttocks, the front and back group of the thigh and the muscles of the lower leg. They become stronger and stronger.
The exercise came from China and has proven itself in many martial arts. The classic Wushu horseman stand is slightly different from the one we're going to talk about. So let’s figure out how to do this wonderful exercise.
Before performing the exercise, it would be nice to do a small warm-up to warm up the muscles. The initial standing position, legs on the width of the shoulders or even slightly wider, palms together, arms extended upwards. Take a deep breath and then exhale vigorously through your mouth. Inhale your stomach and squat to the position of sitting on a bench.
Keep the hips parallel to the floor, the feet on the same line, and the arms are stretched up as much as possible. Without exhaling, hold the position as much as possible, then straighten up, lower your hands over the sides and breathe calmly. Say it three times. And of course, perform it regularly, then the result will not be long in coming.
This exercise is just great! It is definitely worth adding to your everyday complex. Just try it and you will quickly appreciate its effectiveness!
And what effective exercises are in your physical activity complex? Share with us in the comments!

Exercise for burning fat Exercise "Rider" - the most weight-loss exerciseIt's the kind of thing you can think of. This exercise works very quickly, the results can be seen as soon as possible. It helps to get rid of excess fat at the waist and hips. It is thanks to him that such hated “galifa” can be defeated.
The most interesting thing is that thanks to the exercise “Rider” you can also strengthen immunity. If you do it regularly, you can forget about colds once and for all. In addition, the exercise will make you stronger, because when it is performed, almost all the muscles of the legs are involved: the buttocks, the front and back group of the thigh and the muscles of the lower leg. They become stronger and stronger.

The exercise came from China and has proven itself in many martial arts. The classic Wushu horseman stand is slightly different from the one we're going to talk about. So let’s figure out how to do this wonderful exercise.

Before performing the exercise, it would be nice to do a small warm-up to warm up the muscles. The initial standing position, legs on the width of the shoulders or even slightly wider, palms together, arms extended upwards. Take a deep breath and then exhale vigorously through your mouth. Inhale your stomach and squat to the position of sitting on a bench.
Keep the hips parallel to the floor, the feet on the same line, and the arms are stretched up as much as possible. Without exhaling, hold the position as much as possible, then straighten up, lower your hands over the sides and breathe calmly. Say it three times. And of course, perform it regularly, then the result will not be long in coming.
This exercise is just great! It is definitely worth adding to your everyday complex. Just try it and you will quickly appreciate its effectiveness!
And what effective exercises are in your physical activity complex? Share with us in the comments!