Phytoestrogens against fatty deposits! Losing weight after 40 is now easy.

At the age of 40-45 years, a woman’s body undergoes rapid changes. It seems that a month ago everything was fine, and suddenly there were fat folds on the sides and under the arms.

In fact, nobody will be able to avoid this fate, even athletes who have devoted their entire adult life to sports. Fat begins to be unevenly redistributed throughout the body due to a number of factors.

Health, and especially the beauty of a woman, directly depends on the concentration of sex hormones. Of these, the leading role is played by estrogens, which are called the main female hormones.

The production of these hormones decreases significantly after 40 years and almost stops after 50 years with the onset of menopause. It is at this age that most women begin to contact various specialists about increased blood pressure, joint pain and problems with excess weight.

The explanation is simple. The female body, preparing for menopause, is rebuilt under it, and hormonal changes redistribute subcutaneous fat with an increase in its amount. Such an increase in fat is required by the body, since when the ovaries reduce the production of sex hormones (estrogen), this function is taken over by adipose tissue.

There are drugs designed to increase the level of estrogen in women, but quite often this problem can be solved without the use of any synthetic means, it is enough to saturate your diet. phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are components of plant origin, similar in their functions to estrogens, which are produced in the female body naturally. Although phytoestrogens are not a product of the human endocrine system, they act on the same cellular receptors as human estrogens.

Eating foods containing phytoestrogens allows women to reduce the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the postmenopausal period.

Foods rich in phytoestrogens
  1. Soybeans and legumes
    Speaking of phytoestrogens, most often remember soy and soy products. Interest in soybeans arose in the late twentieth century, when studies were conducted on the health of the population in Europe, Asia and America. It turned out that in Japan, China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Korea, deaths from cancer and cardiac diseases are much lower than in European countries and America, and women suffer less from menopausal disorders, osteoporosis and breast cancer.

    In the countries of Southeast Asia, a large amount of soybeans are traditionally used for food. Conclusions were made about the connection of high health indicators with soybean consumption. The debate is still ongoing. However, soy is really rich in isoflavones - genistein and daizein, and its sprouts - glycitein.

    Soybeans and nuts, textured vegetarian protein, tofu, soy milk and soy yogurt, fermented tempe soy drink, miso soup, soy protein powder - all contain plant-estrogens, which for certain indications is very useful to include in the daily diet.

  2. Flax seeds
    They contain ligans – substances that bind to cell receptors and stimulate certain biochemical reactions. There have been no studies on the long-term use of phytohormones, but they are safe for everyone except pregnant women. Flax seeds are especially indicated during menopause.

  3. Hop bumps
    They contain flavonoids that bind to estradiol receptors (one of the estrogen) and have a similar effect. After 40 years, hop cones are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

  4. Milk and dairy products
    Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese - contain phytoestrogens of herbs, which cows ate. Cheese with mold has a greater amount of phytoestrogens due to the fungus, which further enriches the product with its own hormone-like substances.
  5. Licorice roots naked
    They contain isoflavones and steroids. They have a positive effect on the female body during menopause, normalize the liver.
  6. Vegetables
    Among vegetables, most phytoestrogens in a serving of garlic, then alfalfa sprouts, then winter pumpkin varieties, olive oil, cabbage and olives.
  7. ortilia
    Among the herbs - sources of estrogen - the boron uterus is especially distinguished, or lopsided. Folk healers assure that her decoctions exclusively positively affect the body of a woman. Specialists prescribe fees based on orthilium to normalize hormonal levels.

The intake of phytohormones should be agreed with the doctor after a blood test for hormones. If you do not do this and take the drugs yourself for a long time, you can achieve a persistent hormonal imbalance and related problems.

With age, absolutely everything changes, regardless of the constitution of the body. However, those who exercise and pay enough attention to healthy eating are more likely to look fit in old age.

You want a quick result? Then arm yourself with the ideas from our article. And do not forget to consult a doctor before you go on a diet, because health is more important than beauty.

Up to 10 kg of excess weight in two weeks can be lost thanks to the diet of actress Maria Poroshina. But this is only possible if a person has a fair amount of willpower, since it is very difficult to hold on to such a diet for two weeks.

Menu of diet of Maria Poroshina
  1. First day of the first week
    On the first day of the diet, your menu should have 5 boiled potatoes and 3 boiled eggs.
  2. Second day
    Your diet will be presented with one glass of kefir and 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  3. Third day
    Kefir (500 ml), 1 liter of fruit juice and 2 apples.
  4. Fourth day
    A serving of boiled chicken or beef (400 g) and unlimited amounts of tea without sugar.
  5. Fifth day
    During the day you need to eat either pears or apples (half a kilogram).
  6. Sixth day
    3 boiled potatoes and 1.5 glasses of kefir or yogurt.
  7. Seventh day
    Only kefir (500 ml).
  8. First day of the second week
    The diet should be presented only boiled beef (250 g).
  9. Second day
    Vegetable salad and boiled beef (150 g).
  10. Third day
    2 apples, 2 slices of bran bread, a portion of boiled beef or chicken (200 g).
  11. Fourth day
    2 eggs, boiled beef (150 grams), and 150 grams of rye bread.
  12. Fifth day
    3 boiled potatoes, 700 g apples and kefir (500 ml).
  13. Sixth day
    2 eggs, 2 fresh cucumbers, boiled chicken (300 g) and unlimited amounts of tea without sugar.
  14. Seventh day
    2 boiled potatoes and 2 apples.

Losing as much weight as I dreamed was only half the battle. It's half the battle to keep the weight. Maria Poroshina recommends that at the end of the diet do not allow roasted and fatty foods to enter the diet, and also stay away from simple carbohydrates. Late meals are better to exclude forever and arrange the last meal until six in the evening.

"Site" He regularly introduces his readers to the most effective diets. So, recently we wrote about the mega-popular protein diet of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It is known that his diet helped to lose weight before the wedding to the Duchess of Cambridge, and Jennifer Lopez to get in shape after childbirth.

You may be interested in the system of weight loss from the guru of nutrition Henri Chenault. According to his methodology, Luciano Pavarotti and Silvio Berlusconi, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina and Mikhail Saakashvili, lost weight.


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