5 situations where you should not believe the diagnosis of cancer: 86% of patients need a second examination
Modern oncology is a multi-billion dollar business, and every year more cases of a terrible disease are detected. Fortunately, most cancers are diagnosed in the early stages, so the chances of recovery are much greater.
But, agree, to hear the devastating phrase "You have cancer!" and the enemy will not wish. The problem of correct oncological diagnosis is even more acute than before, and this, unfortunately, is not averse to use fraudsters.
Editorial "Site" Discuss unpleasant cases when you need to soberly look at things. A close person diagnosed with cancer And everyone around you lost their temper? In such a situation, not quite honest people who are not always even involved in medicine can profit from human ills. In these 5 cases, do not believe the terrible diagnosis ahead of time!
How to Diagnose Cancer
Remember it once and for all! Only the oncologist has the right to make the final cancer diagnosisBut not without the help of other professionals. In the diagnosis involved and hematologist, and histologist, and, for example, nephrologist, who can only assume the presence of a terrible disease and send for further examination.
The most sensible thing is to take responsibility for your own health and not listen to anyone (except the attending physician, of course). Remember that early diagnosis is your chance for a long and happy life!
Have you ever experienced medical fraud? Be sure to tell us in the comments.
But, agree, to hear the devastating phrase "You have cancer!" and the enemy will not wish. The problem of correct oncological diagnosis is even more acute than before, and this, unfortunately, is not averse to use fraudsters.

Editorial "Site" Discuss unpleasant cases when you need to soberly look at things. A close person diagnosed with cancer And everyone around you lost their temper? In such a situation, not quite honest people who are not always even involved in medicine can profit from human ills. In these 5 cases, do not believe the terrible diagnosis ahead of time!
How to Diagnose Cancer
- Diagnosis reported by phone
A very common trick that many unhappy, often retired people still believe. Fraudsters act very clearly, quickly and coherently. Upon learning that a person has recently been tested, their phone number is punched in the database and they call with the terrible news: “Your tests have come to our clinic.” We must inform you that you have cancer. In such a shock situation, the unfortunate on the other side of the tube loses the will and ability to think sanely. Older people are ready to withdraw all the money accumulated for a long life and give it to the courier, who will rush in a matter of minutes.
The first thing to do in such a situation is to hang up and call your doctor, explain the situation and understand the tests. An experienced health worker will immediately convince you that there is no cancer, and you just wanted to cheat.
DepositPhotos - The lab assistant at the local clinic looked at the tests and said, “You have cancer!”
Diagnosis of cancer is not a 5-minute process. This is a long and painstaking process, on which further treatment and the fate of the patient depends. The final diagnosis is made only according to the results of histological examination. And MRI, CT, endoscopy and tumor markers are only preliminary diagnostic methods, according to the results of which no specialist can claim the presence of oncology.
DepositPhotos - The diagnosis was made in a private clinic field of tests
Unfortunately, even the most advertised private clinics are often unclean. After the patient has passed the tests, he is called and told unpleasant news, claiming that they are ready to get rid of the problem if you start treatment immediately. “The main thing is not to delay,” they say on the other side of the wire. If you doubt the established diagnosis, get tested in several laboratories, talk to an oncologist you trust, and only then make an important decision.
DepositPhotos - The fortune teller said
We will not deny that psychological well-being is an integral part of successful cancer treatment. You believe in the power of traditional medicine? On health, use the services of herbalists and healers, because the main thing is to believe with all your heart in healing.
But if you were diagnosed by some fortune teller, and after six months miraculously healed your body from the disease, no cancer, most likely, was not. The art of suggestion is a fantastic thing!
DepositPhotos - "Hello! We launched innovative equipment that examined your brain.
And that happens. Not so long ago, residents of Moscow complained about the calls of scammers: “We have launched new equipment, it flies around your area and scans all people.” You found a tumor..." I mean, who would believe that? And the unhappy believe and are ready to say goodbye to the last penny in order to get rid of a terrible ailment.
Remember it once and for all! Only the oncologist has the right to make the final cancer diagnosisBut not without the help of other professionals. In the diagnosis involved and hematologist, and histologist, and, for example, nephrologist, who can only assume the presence of a terrible disease and send for further examination.
The most sensible thing is to take responsibility for your own health and not listen to anyone (except the attending physician, of course). Remember that early diagnosis is your chance for a long and happy life!
Have you ever experienced medical fraud? Be sure to tell us in the comments.
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