Royal strawberry charlotte recipe

Until the season of strawberries has passed, it is time to cook all sorts of goodies from it. I want to share with you the best strawberry charlotte recipe I know.

My family is very fond of royal charlotte, always looking forward to the start of the fruit season, knowing that I will spoil them with fragrant pastries with fresh berries. I think that desserts from fruits are more useful than usual, for which I prefer them.

Charlotte with strawberry Ingredients
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp strawberry jam
  • 1.5 tbsp gelatin in granules
  • 2 tbsp fat cream
  • lemon juice
  • 0.5 kg of mascarpone (or cream cheese)
  • 700g strawberries

Charlotte with strawberry recipe It's not the easiest, but if you like cooking, it's for you. A little patience and a little time - and you will surprise everyone with a really refined dessert.

  1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat proteins with 1/3 cup of sugar, then mix the resulting mixture with yolks. Add soda and flour to the egg mass, mix the dough.

  2. Put the dough on a parchment-papered pan. Bake for 10 minutes in a preheated to 200 ° C oven. Make sure that the cork does not dry out, otherwise it will be difficult to roll it into the roulette.

  3. Finished biscuit cake spread half strawberry jam and roll roll roll. When it cools, cut it into 18 identical pieces.

  4. Wash, dry and cut in half each strawberry berry.

  5. Soak the gelatin in cold water. When it swells, mix it with three tablespoons of fatty cream or just water, heat the mixture on the stove until the gelatin is completely dissolved, stirring constantly.

  6. Make the cream: whip cream and mascarpone cheese with the remaining sugar, lemon juice and dissolved gelatin.

  7. Get to the creative stage. Pieces of roll lay out the sides and bottom of a detachable shape. Then fill it with half the cream. Put half the cut strawberries on the cream and pour it with the remaining cream on top. The top layer must be strawberry again. When you do, put your creation in the fridge for 3 hours.

  8. Before serving the fields, charlotte with heated strawberry jam.

Restaurant desserts Switzerland looks much like my royal charlotte. They may taste better than ours. Because our strawberries are the sweetest. I was told this by relatives who often travel abroad.

Try and make a treat like that. I advise you to also make German strawberry liqueur, in combination with ruby liqueur dessert is especially good. Write in the comments if you like the recipe!


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