Wisdom of life from those who already nurse great-grandchildren: after 70 came the understanding
Who do we call? wiseman? Surely someone who not only has a large amount of knowledge, but also knows how to apply them. By wisdom we mean the ability to find simple solutions to complex problems.
Wisdom is not passed on genetically, but wise parents can pass on essential knowledge to their children in the process of parenting. On the condition that the father and mother were sufficiently educated, intelligent and gained the necessary experience for mentoring.
But there is nothing stopping us from knowing. wisely Extraordinary people to make their lives much happier and more fulfilling. So today, we've found wise advice from people over 70 that will make you a better person.
Older people who have seen the world know more about life than others. They have gained valuable experience that helps them make important decisions in all situations. They are willing to share what they have spent years learning. Now they wisdom It will open to you.
These are life-speak It inspires and makes you look at familiar things in a new way. Indeed, older people understand the world much more than modern, Internet-enabled youth. Take, for example, these health tips of wise grandmothers.
We have already published an article about 20 simple truths that make our lives healthy and happy. You may know most of them, but how often do you use them?
And which of these wisdoms did you not know? Share your opinion in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Wisdom is not passed on genetically, but wise parents can pass on essential knowledge to their children in the process of parenting. On the condition that the father and mother were sufficiently educated, intelligent and gained the necessary experience for mentoring.
But there is nothing stopping us from knowing. wisely Extraordinary people to make their lives much happier and more fulfilling. So today, we've found wise advice from people over 70 that will make you a better person.

Older people who have seen the world know more about life than others. They have gained valuable experience that helps them make important decisions in all situations. They are willing to share what they have spent years learning. Now they wisdom It will open to you.
- Live life to the fullest. Do not rush to get married and start a family, hurry to live life to the fullest: develop, travel, have fun.
- A good job is not something you enjoy every day, because it is impossible because of human nature. A good job is an occupation that covers your expenses, and you imagine yourself in this place after 3-5 years.
DepositPhotos - Friends are people you can call at three in the morning. And who you are willing to help, even if they turn to you for help at the same time.
- You're probably taking things too seriously. Treat life easier, so life is much easier and more pleasant.
- If you have children, spend more time with them. They'll grow so fast you won't notice. Hurry up and enjoy their company.
- The most important person in your life is someone who is willing to share their own life with you.
DepositPhotos - No one knows how long you have to live. Maybe you will live many years, maybe not much. So enjoy yourself every day. Don't put things off until later.
- You won’t regret working too little. Rest and spend time with family, friends. Important people always leave unexpectedly.
- If you are tired and exhausted, stop and look at yourself from the outside. Enjoy the moment. Remember that you only have one life.
- If you train and eat like a diabetic with a heart condition, you will never be.
DepositPhotos - Appreciate not material goods, but vivid emotions.
- All injuries, bruises and other injuries will definitely make themselves felt in old age.
- If you meet someone for the first time, remember that you don’t know anything about them yet. Don't draw premature conclusions.
- Be able to trust loved ones, because jealousy is a weapon that destroys even the strongest relationships.
- Follow your dreams. If it is absolutely unreal, try to get close to it. 157000
These are life-speak It inspires and makes you look at familiar things in a new way. Indeed, older people understand the world much more than modern, Internet-enabled youth. Take, for example, these health tips of wise grandmothers.
We have already published an article about 20 simple truths that make our lives healthy and happy. You may know most of them, but how often do you use them?
And which of these wisdoms did you not know? Share your opinion in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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