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Human lymphatic system This is one of the most important parts of our body that we need to pay special attention to. Failures in the work of this system are immediately displayed on the appearance of a person and his well-being.

If you have been watching for a long time Swelling, pronounced cellulite and skin problemsGo to the doctor and check how well your lymph is circulating.

The technique of lymphatic drainage massage When the lymph ceases to circulate normally throughout the body, immediately slow downAnd the normal amount of oxygen ceases to flow into the cells. As a result of these destructive processes, the skin deteriorates, and toxins accumulate in the body.

Lymphatic drainage massage This is a unique technique that appeared in the middle of the twentieth century thanks to Dr. Pascal Cauche. He created this massage to relieve swelling in patients after surgery.

This massage is Safe and effective technology, which acts on the lymph nodes and the flow of lymph to them.

Today's edition. "Site" I have prepared for you a small list of the most effective methods of lymphatic drainage massage, which will help get rid of cellulite and swelling.

Lymphatic drainage techniques of self-massage
  1. Stop massage
    This is a simple exercise that stimulates the circulation of lymph in the legs and feet. To perform the exercise, stand straight, stretch your arms along the body, and put your feet parallel to each other. Get up on your socks a little and roll on your heels. Repeat this movement 20 times at a slow pace.

  2. Subclavian massage
    Lie on your back, bend your hands and touch the tips of the fingers of the left hand to the hole under the right collarbone, and the fingers of the right to the hole under the left. Inhale, raise your elbows so that your fingers fall slightly into the subclavian holes. Repeat this exercise 20 times in two sets.

  3. Japanese lymphatic drainage technique
    Lie on your back, raise your arms and legs. Keep them relaxed, half-bent. Shake hands and feet for 1-3 minutes. Focus on your feelings and rest if you feel tired.

  4. Massage of the solar plexus zone
    Take the most comfortable position for you. It is best to perform this technique in a sitting position or lotus position. Fold your fingers as if you were holding a pinch of salt in each hand. On inhalation, gently press your fingers on the point under the ribs and round the back. Press carefully, at the slightest painful sensations - rest. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

  5. Leg twisting
    Lie on your back and stretch your legs out. On exhalation, pull your legs to the chest, on inhalation return to the original position. This technique is desirable to do at a slightly fast pace. You have to do it 20 times. This lymphatic drainage massage allows you to resume the circulation of lymph in the area of the thighs and buttocks.

  6. "Frog"
    Sit down and connect your feet. Put your hands on your knees and press them lightly at a fast pace. Observe the average amplitude. Repeat it 30 times.

There is also lymphatic drainage massageIt helps to maintain the skin tone. Every morning, gently massage your face from the center to the temples. Signs of fatigue will not be noticeable until the night.

Lymphatic drainage massage disperses fluid in the body. This contributes to the disappearance of bruises and swelling. Similarly, this massage works for weight loss: excess fluid is removed from the body, the volume and weight of your body change.

These techniques not only relieve fatigue, they also allow you to remove the products of cell decay from the body.

Be sure to try these massage techniques for a month and tell us about the results in the comments!


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