Why you should mix banana with soda

For the skin to be beautiful, it needs constant and thorough care. Modern cosmetics provide such an opportunity, but do not forget about improvised means. You don’t even know how many wonderful skin products are in your kitchen. Today we will talk about one of them.


"Site" It tells you how to cook. purifier, moisturizing and whitening the skin at home.

Mask of soda In every kitchen in the corner of the locker or nightstand there is a pack of baking soda. And if you think that it is suitable only for baking, then you are very mistaken. Firstly, soda is indispensable when cleaning, although this is not the case now, and secondly, it is an invaluable cosmetic product.

Soda is quite an aggressive component for masks, but it has amazing properties. Due to its texture, it perfectly cleanses the skin, removing dead particles. Also, soda effectively lightens the skin, removing pigmentation.

However, the soda itself should not be applied to the face, so as not to overdry the skin. To do this, you need to add a moisturizing element that will nourish the skin and saturate it with vitamins and nutrients. As such, we chose a banana, because it has a beneficial effect on the skin.

So, to cook. soda-maskIn a small shredding container 3 small pieces of banana. It should be a homogeneous gruel. Now add half a teaspoon of soda. If you make a dry skin mask, the amount of soda is reduced to a third or even a quarter of a spoon.

Mix the ingredients carefully to get a homogeneous mass. Now apply the mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes if you have normal or oily skin, or 5 minutes if dry. Do not apply to the skin around the eyes. Preliminary mask should be applied to a small area of the skin of the hands to see if there are allergies.

As we said, soda is quite an aggressive component, so watch your feelings for the first time. If you are not comfortable, for example, stings too much or burns the skin, then it is better to wash off the mask immediately. There's a chance she just doesn't fit you.

The mask is washed off with ordinary warm water. After application, a moisturizer is applied to prevent drying. Use the mask without fanaticism, preferably no more than once every 10 days. For dry skin, even less.

After the first application, you will see how the skin brightens and acquires a healthy hue. Soda will clean it thoroughly, and the banana will moisturize well. This approach will even help to remove small wrinkles and smooth the skin. Thanks to the complex action, you will look perfect!

With the help of soda, you can put the skin of your hands in order and give it youth and beauty. Use our recipe.

We love skin products made of natural ingredients. Recently, we told you how to make an amazing mask from pumpkin wrinkles.

Also well manifested mask against wrinkles with egg shells. Wow effect!

You like the mask? Share the recipe with your friends.


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