Recipe for making delicious pollock in the oven

Fish dishes They are especially popular among adherents of healthy eating. The fact is that fish is rich in protein and rare trace elements, is easily digested (unlike meat), does not contribute to obesity. It is not surprising that cooks have learned to cook delicious fish dishes that give a head start to meat.

And today we're going to tell you How delicious to cook pollock in the oven. Such a dish even on the festive table can be assigned a key role, because it smells delicious. In addition, it is prepared quite quickly, which means that you will have time for other interesting things.


Delicious pollock in the oven Mintai is a fish that is more appreciated for its benefit than for its special taste. It is not surprising, because pollock fillets contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other microelements necessary for the body. In terms of protein and iodine, pollock among fish is considered one of the leaders.

Prepare delicious pollock It's easier than most people think. But in order for the dish to succeed, the fish must be fresh. This is an obvious detail, but many housewives neglect it. Do not take frozen, bad-smelling, mucus-covered or yellowish fish for cooking. Stick to the other intricacies of cooking.

DepositPhotos Ingredients
  • 4 peeled medium pollock carcasses
  • 200g mayonnaise or sour cream
  • 2 large bulbs
  • 1 lemon
  • parsley
  • vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste

  1. Clean the fish, cut into pieces and fold in a separate container.

  2. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the fish, stir. Pickle for about an hour.
  3. Separately grind the parsley and cube the onions. Stir the greens with the onions.

  4. Cover the foil pan so that no juice or steam comes out of the fish.
  5. Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil, lay out a layer of greenery. Put the fish on the pan. Those pieces that can be stuffed with greens, stuff, others (for example, tail) just put on foil.

  6. On top, smear each piece of fish with mayonnaise or sour cream (to your taste). Sprinkle the leftover greens.

  7. Wrap the edges of the foil so the steam doesn't come out. Put the pan in the oven heated to 200-230 degrees. Bake for about 30-40 minutes. The main thing is to wrap the fish tightly.

  8. After the allotted time, take out the pan and unroll the foil. In this form again send the fish into the oven for 15 minutes.

  9. If the pollock is covered with rosy crust, the dish is ready. Bon appetit!

The peculiarity of this method of cooking fish is that it is incredibly juicy. All because the foil does not allow the juice to evaporate, onions and parsley give the dish a rich aroma, and lemon makes the fish softer.

This one cooker It is worth putting off all the work and preparing. Do not forget to share the recipe in social networks and with loved ones, because cooked in the oven, the most useful fish is what the body needs in the cold season. It is much more delicious and safer than eating herring.


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