Diet Olga Busovoi

When you look at Olga Buzova, it seems that she was born slim. While still a member of “House-2”, the girl delighted her fans with the beauty of the figure. And even now that she's older, more busy and combining the work of a singer, actress and TV presenter, her parameters remain the same.

In fact, she wasn’t always like that and came to a beautiful body through trial and error. Buzova said in an interview: At the age of 21, I quit smoking and found that I gained 10 kilograms: I began to weigh 66! It was a tragedy for me. I was terribly complex.

The Buzova Girl tried many radical diets: she sat on buckwheat, then on kefir, then on apples. Sometimes I even went hungry for a few days. But after the hunger strikes, the body rebelled, and the zor began.

From this, the singer made an important conclusion: I realized that short-term diets do not work. I realized that you should always eat right. And that without physical exertion there is no good figure.”

To begin with, Buzova calculated how many calories she needs to consume in order to be healthy and not gain weight: When I am active in sports, I need 1,000-1,200 calories a day. When I miss training, I limit it to 900. It is important to eat little and often, balanced in calories and nutrients.”

Buzova believes that a healthy lifestyle is not without restrictions. However, it is not necessary to perceive them as something negative. Rejecting the bad is a conscious choice in favor of proper nutrition.

“I gave up fatty foods like mayonnaise, hamburgers, sushi and rolls, pasta, fries, sweets. With the latter, I was lucky: I am indifferent to cakes and candy.

That's how she eats mostly. But sometimes he arranges himself now fashionable chitmills. Why not? Olga is a human being, and like everyone else, she has her weaknesses. He does not punish himself for them, because he knows the measure and allows himself “unauthorized” rarely and little.

“Sometimes I give myself a break. For example, I like coffee with sugar. I love jamon, sometimes I get a little bit of it. I’m generally a “sausage” soul: between a piece of sausage and cake, I will choose the first.

And now the most important thing. Daily menu Buzova: My breakfast: oatmeal on water with jam or an omelet of two egg whites. The second meal: meat broth or fish soup. I love soups - minestrone with rice, sorrel with potatoes. Three: vegetable salad. Fourth: a piece of chicken, meat, fish. Five, lettuce again. Plus a minimum of three liters of water per day.”

At night, Olga can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple. There is nothing complicated about her eating habits. She doesn't. dietA normal balanced diet. But in order to adhere to it, you need strict discipline.

Olga Buzova has enough. calorie. Before applying it to yourself, consult a doctor or dietitian. You may need more energy to maintain your body. Then we'll need to increase the portions.

When embarking on the path of losing weight, do not forget also that during shedding kilograms it is very important to experience positive emotions. We wrote about this in our previous article: it is about the attitude towards oneself that leads to the result. Good luck.


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