The evolution of Olga Buzova's style

Olga Buzova is a phenomenon of the world of show business of the last decade. The girl from the participant of the scandalous reality show “Dom-2” turned into a real superstar. The 32-year-old artist gathers entire stadiums for her concerts, stars in films, releases her clothing brand, and also turns everything to what it concerns into a trend. And her style and hairstyles are copied by the fair sex from 12 years old to older women.

The life of Olga Buzova It’s very exciting, but today we’ll talk about her style and transformation. After all, over the years, the image of the girl has changed dramatically. In addition, she is herself a stylist and very often, according to fans, allows fashion failures. Her outfits are always discussed and spark controversy. Editorial "Site" I decided to talk about the evolution of the style of the star and show that everyone can create their own version.

Dresses of Olga Buzova
  1. For the first time a wide audience saw Olga Buzova back in 2004. Then she was a nuclear blonde with always tanned skin. The girl constantly wore either fashionable at the time ripped jeans with a low fit, or mini skirts.

  2. “House-2” gave Olga fame and her dream to become a singer became a reality for her. In addition, she became a socialite and always surprised by the choice of her outfits. In such a candid outfit of the go-go dancer Olga Buzova presents her book “The Case in the Hairpin”. Advice of a stylish blonde”.

  3. In 2008, the directors of the project offered Olga Buzova to become the leading “House-2”. In parallel, the girl wrote several more books. But the star still loved everything short and brilliant.

  4. Promotion on the career ladder has caused changes in the appearance of the star. Then Olga dyed her hair in a more natural white color, stopped abusing tan and bright shadows, and changed glamorous clothes to elegant, but, unfortunately, not very stylish dresses.

  5. Strong changes in the style of Buzova occurred in 2012. Then the presenter married the football player Dmitry Tarasov. During this period, Olga finally said goodbye to the glamour of zero.

  6. The main beauty evolution in the life of Olga Buzova stylists to this day consider dark hair color. It happened in 2016, when the TV presenter divorced her husband and decided to say goodbye to her past life once and for all. After all, this color made the girl more elegant and harmonious in appearance. Which proves once again: hair color and haircut decide everything.

  7. This was truly a fatal decision in the life of a celebrity. And a year later, Buzova became a real star, who got an army of fans and, of course, haters. And now the ridiculous outfits began to contribute to her fame. Every walk on the red carpet is really amazing.

  8. Olga loves the procedure of hair extension, so one day she can change the cara to a braid to the waist and vice versa. The girl believes that dresses should be bright.

  9. Until now, Buzova is often accused of tastelessness and advised to hire a stylist. But the girl chooses clothes and believes that you need to maintain your individuality. And most importantly, believe in yourself.

  10. The girl even created her own clothing brand, which already has many fans. She also opened a chain of fast food restaurants, where she cooks from time to time. Wearing simple things, she does either bright makeup or unusual hairstyle. But this is more of a highlight than a joint.

Looking at Olga Buzova, you can see how much external data affect the perception of a person as a whole. When she was blonde in doll outfits, she was treated like a child. But, changing her style, she immediately showed that she is not afraid of change and all the difficulties in life only push her forward.

Hairstyle and the choice of clothes really change a person – he even behaves differently in a new look. Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the fresh trends in hair coloring.

We also learned how to dress in style.

Tell us in the comments, do you think there is a bad taste or is it just the wrong presentation? Share this article with your friends on social media!


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