Drinking regime in the cold season

A healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. Everyone avoids junk food and how they can fight excess weight. Even the skinny ones know that nutrition This is the basis, and a day you need to drink at least 3 liters of liquid. But few people realize that this rule does not work in winter.


How much water you need per day I'm sure you've heard of a water diet and asked yourself a question. How much water should you drink every dayTo lose weight and look younger? Despite such a simple question, you can find radically different information in different sources.

Editorial “It's easy.I tried to find the truth. It turns out that information about the almighty benefits of large volumes of liquid drunk is a general misconception. Although in winter you need to drink water no less, and sometimes more than in summer.


How to drink water properly
  1. Right. drinking It follows a simple rule: drinking a lot of water is harmful, and little is dangerous.
  2. Although people are 70% water, drink 8 glasses a day No need. It is necessary to understand that 2.5 liters of the necessary liquid is a liquid of all foods that we consume.

  3. The best indicator when it is necessary to replenish liquid stores is thirst. Forcing yourself to drink a glass of water at certain intervals makes no sense.
  4. Excessive fluid intake is an additional burden on the cardiovascular system and kidneys. An overabundance (as well as a deficiency) of fluid violates blood pressure.

  5. Scientists have proven that drinking water during meals is not harmful. And this does not worsen the process of digestion of food. It is harmful to replace food with water.
  6. Fruit or vegetable juice, tea, coffee, milk is food, and mineral water is medicine. Do not replace these products with clean water when you are thirsty.

  7. Water does not flush out fat, does not remove toxins and does not help to lose weight. Weight loss water The body needs to the same extent as proper nutrition.
  8. Water does not accelerate metabolism. Water is a neutral substance that plays the role of a solvent in which chemical reactions on metabolism occur.

  9. Dry skin -- not fluid-deficiencyA indicator of lack of vitamin A and fats in the diet.
  10. In winter, water is needed no less than in summer. Why are health problems and obesity more common in winter? The answer is simple: in the cold season, we are not used to drinking ordinary water. Instead of quenching your thirst, you eat! Hot tea, coffee, cocoa, cappuccino, soup...

  11. Our body knows when it feels thirsty. Learn to listen to it and do not replace water with tea, coffee or juices.
  12. Starting the morning with a glass of warm water (about 38 °C) is helpful. And it does not matter, it will be water with lemon, apple cider vinegar and other additives. The body just needs water.
  13. During illness or when you feel bad, drink water often and in small portions. The water temperature should be close to the body temperature. So it will be absorbed faster and the body will not waste energy on its warming.


The recommendation to consume 2.5-3 liters of water per day is not entirely correct. Large volumes of fluid overload the heart and kidneys. As a result, you can earn swelling and other health problems. And if you add to this excessive salt intake - the results can be very deplorable.

Causes of swelling
  1. A very large amount of fluid entered the body, especially before bedtime.
  2. Eating spicy, salty, spicy food and mineral water.
  3. Rigid low-carb and protein diets.


  4. Lack of fluid in the body. Yes, when the body constantly feels a lack of moisture, it begins to postpone it “in reserve”. Coffee, tea, alcohol are considered diuretic products and additionally remove fluid from the body.
  5. Cold food and cold water worsen the digestive system and kidneys. As a result, the balance of electrolytes worsens and edema is formed.


Water is a necessary element to maintain the health and youth of our body, and its proper use will help prevent a number of diseases. Remember that drinking water is useful and necessary, and when to do it, it is up to you.

When choosing water for drinking and cooking, always pay attention to its quality. There are good reasons to consider whether to drink bottled water. Consider all the pros and cons and choose the best, based on your capabilities.

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