The Secret to a Happy Marriage

Women dream of a faithful good husband who will love all his life and do not want souls in his wife. But many of them face the opposite – betrayal.

After that, they either begin to hate the entire male half of humanity, or to look for reasons in themselves and destroy their self-esteem.

Before proceeding to the analysis of family relations, it is worth noting that if a man is a womanizer, then he cannot be corrected. You just need to stay away from this, do not spoil your life and reputation. But with the stronger sex with standard life values can and should work.

When a man is happy in the family, he does not want to look for anything and anyone on the side. That’s what you have to do to make him happy.

  1. Give him enough attention.
    Men also like compliments, especially praise. They also appreciate the recognition of their merits and merits. Tell your man that you appreciate him, it is important for him to know.


  2. Take care of him.
    If in your family the husband is responsible for the condition of the car and repairs, and you are responsible for cleaning the house and cooking, then you must perform your duties. If everything is distributed equally, do your part. The husband will take this as respect and care and will not want to seek other conditions with other women.


  3. Satisfy your partner in bed
    Everything is negotiable. If you don’t like suggestions to experiment, talk about it, if you like, agree. Here's what you shouldn't do: manipulate your intimate life to get your way in other areas. It's a road to nowhere.


  4. Don't limit his personal space.
    He also needs to be with friends or alone with himself to gather his thoughts and take a break from the outside world. During this period, you do not need to bother a man with questions. In return, it will close. Men have a different nature: there are far fewer of them than women who are willing to cry and talk about problems.

  5. Be understanding.
    Those men who do not understand begin to change, if not physically, then spiritually. Listen to your partner, share his interests or simply do not deny them, take into account his opinion and his explanations. Try not to upset your husband, not to be rude to him, not to throw tantrums. That's understanding.


  6. Never relax.
    Refusing to take care of yourself is one of the main mistakes a woman can make in a relationship. If she does not love herself, why should her husband love her? Elementary care of the skin, hair, hands should always be present. And also neat clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure.


  7. Develop.
    Be a person, self-sufficient, attractive, and not just a husband's app. Someone who is interesting to talk to. Let them admire you. Be the one you trust and trust. A woman who is loved and appreciated by friends for being responsive and kind, and whom other men pay attention to. Then your husband will know you again and again every day, be proud of you and be afraid to lose you.


On male fidelity It is often referred to as a mythical concept that does not exist in real life. But in fact this is not the case, and among men and women there are those who are willing to change constantly, and those who change only in extreme cases, and those who will never. It all depends on the person, the circumstances of life and moral principles.

One thing is certain. loyalist - that's the one who loves. Love him in return and do everything so that his love for you does not fade.

About what is the prevention of infidelity husband and how to forgive him, if everything has already happened, and the relationship does not want to break, read in our articles. Follow the links.


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