List of morning habits of productive people

The Best Way to Change Your Life - keep evolving. But how do you do that when you're at work all day, and there's still a lot of unfinished business at home, and every day is like the day before? Stop spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, take an hour of time in the morning to put your thoughts in order and break the vicious circle.

At first you will have to force yourself to do something, but then you will get used to it and will not notice how your life has played with new colors. Move forward and do not stop on the way to your goal.

How to Start Changing Your Life "Site" knows How to radically change your life for the better Small but confident steps with the help of 8 rules of success. Thanks to them, every morning will be good, and every new day – more intense and productive.

Best Healthy Habits
  1. Go to bed early.
    Morning is not good when you slept only 3 hours, of which 2 hours neighbors had a disco. Make a habit of going to bed no later than 23:00. And in order to have time to go to bed, set the alarm for half an hour before bed, so that it reminds you that it is time to brush your teeth, take a shower and go to bed. 393684

    It’s not just about walking around like a zombie all day. Sleep is undervalued. When we sleep 8 hours a day, memory improves, stress resistance increases, weight normalizes, life prolongs - isn't this a reason to exchange a party for a healthy sleep?

  2. Drink a glass of water in the morning.
    A glass of water in the morning replenishes the water balance of the body, improves metabolism and the immune system. If this is not done, there is a high probability that throughout the day you will feel tired and lethargic, and your head may sore. So if you haven't started drinking water in the morning, start.

  3. Smile at the reflection in the mirror
    Scientists have proved that facial expressions are directly related to the human brain. When we are happy, we smile, but few people know that the reverse scheme also works! Go to the mirror and smile, stand with a strained smile for a couple of minutes, the mood is guaranteed to improve, if only from your stupid insincere grimace.

  4. Do the exercise.
    Despite the fact that people sleep differently: some turn, some sleep in the same position, blood circulation for 6-8 hours of sleep is disturbed. In order to disperse the blood, it is enough to allocate 10 minutes for morning exercises. Body and mental balance will give you morning yoga or a walk with a dog, you can do 20 squats or jump on a rope - whatever your soul wants, just break the bones of the sutra.

  5. Take a cold shower.
    Oh, this procedure is hardening. Not only immunity, but also character! For people who take a cold shower, nothing is impossible. Just imagine what effort you need to make on yourself to make such an execution. Then all the difficulties will be on the shoulder. In addition, if you throw yourself cold water in the morning, little will upset you during the day, which means that the day promises to be beautiful.

  6. Make a plan for the day.
    Get in the habit of making a plan of important things with 5 points, so you will avoid stress and fuss because you forgot to do something. The plan must be achievable so that at the end of the day you do not lament the unfulfilled mission. When making a plan for the day becomes a habit, you will be surprised how much you can do in one day.

  7. Stay quiet.
    Look around, people around do not let gadgets out of their hands, every second suffers from headache, vision problems or depression. And the reason for this are smartphones, headphones, tablets that do not give you rest. There is fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia.

    All of these consequences can be avoided by giving yourself a break. At least half an hour in the morning, be silent: do not think about anything, do not listen to anything, do not watch the news. This kind of meditation will relax and set a confident tone for the coming day.

  8. Breakfast.
    Whether you like it or not, you need to recharge your brain and stomach in the morning. You can not eat carbohydrates, but you can eat protein. Eat an omelet, boiled egg, legumes or simply drink a protein shake to stay full and collected longer. Thanks to this breakfast you can even lose weight.

If you do not know what would be so useful to eat for breakfast, we have a selection of healthy breakfasts for each day. And to become happy, first take care of your health, only then you will be able to feel all the charms of life to the fullest.

Tell us in the comments how you get out of bed in the morning.


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