Reasons for rash actions
How often have you experienced misunderstanding? Has it ever happened that you had to explain on your fingers to another person for a long time? simple? Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon.
Stupid people can often fall for our life-way. What to do and how to protect yourself from such personalities?
The most. step - recognizing these people. The faster you recognize a stupid person in your environment, the faster you can isolate yourself from them.
5 main signs of a stupid person
Remember that the level of intellectual development does not always reflect how stupid a person is.
Many people just have a good memory. Easily remembering even the most difficult things, they do not understand them at all, but they can clearly repeat them.
Talking to stupid people won’t just bore you. Over time, you will feel very uncomfortable that all your emotional efforts are not taken into account. Be careful and protect your inner world from such people.

Stupid people can often fall for our life-way. What to do and how to protect yourself from such personalities?

The most. step - recognizing these people. The faster you recognize a stupid person in your environment, the faster you can isolate yourself from them.
5 main signs of a stupid person
- Man. He only talks about himself.. Communication is always a dialogue, an exchange of information.
In order for communication to be healthy and gladdenedIt has to be mutual. In simple terms, half of what is said must come from one person and half from another.
Stupid people cannot understand the importance of this principle. It is only important for them to express their ownSorrow or joy. They do not feel when the interlocutor is tired of listening to their endless chatter, and continue, in spite of everything, to bend their line. - Most stupid people loud. They cannot understand how much discomfort they cause to everyone around them.
Such a person will tell the interviewer about his whole restaurant. private. It would not even occur to him that this is completely inappropriate and everyone around him is tired of such noise. - In a stupid person almost completely lack of empathy. He doesn't feel the interlocutor. This is partly because he is completely focused on himself.
Stupid people are always one hundred percent sure of their rightness, and that only their opinion should be taken into account. - A stupid person cannot develop mentally because of his constant fears. Often, all the factors that frighten stupid people are completely unreasonable. Such people do stupid things At every turn.
They'll never get out of their way. comfort zoneGetting them out of there makes no sense. They will only ruin your mood, and all your attempts will go to waste. - Category is one of the most sure-fire stupidity. For categorical people, the whole world is divided into black and white. The greatest folly of man is to close his mind entirely from all fresh ideas.
Foolish people will never change their minds, even if it hurts them.
Remember that the level of intellectual development does not always reflect how stupid a person is.

Many people just have a good memory. Easily remembering even the most difficult things, they do not understand them at all, but they can clearly repeat them.

Talking to stupid people won’t just bore you. Over time, you will feel very uncomfortable that all your emotional efforts are not taken into account. Be careful and protect your inner world from such people.