Why you should indulge all the whims of a pregnant wife

There is an opinion that pregnancy is something akin to a long vacation. “Yes, she does not do anything for days, and indulge her whims!” – so say some men about their pregnant wives. Perhaps the reason for this indignation is that many, mostly men, do not understand this phenomenon to the end, because they did not have the opportunity to feel such a state on themselves.


Meanwhile, scientists at Duke University began studying human endurance, during which they found that pregnant women are more enduring than any professional athlete. Increased endurance Women have to cope with the fact that they have to overcome many pregnancy Continuously, 24 hours a day.

Editorial "Site" She thoroughly studied the issue of pregnancy and undertook to dispel the stereotyped myth about the special situation of women, which suggests that pregnancy is a vacation.

According to the same scientists from Duke University, pregnancy can be equated with a constant marathon run. “This is one of the most extreme experiences a person can endure,” they note.

The study focused on the basic rate of human metabolism. It showed that our body cannot withstand an increase in speed of more than 2.5 times without gradual destruction. People who participate in marathons achieve an even higher metabolic rate, but this does not happen for long. At the end of the run, the athlete can rest and fully recover.

As for pregnant women, their metabolism is increased by 2.5 times every minute 7 days a week until the very birth. "Every mother who survived a pregnancy put extra effort into it," said study co-author and professor of evolutionary anthropology Herman Pontzer.

Pregnant women regularly struggle with the stress and discomfort that accompany physiological changes in their body. Stress on the back, swelling and cramps in the legs, heartburn and nausea are just a few of what they have to endure during these 9 months.

A special situation is also accompanied by sleep disturbance and a decrease in immunity, which is why a common cold for a woman turns into a serious disease.

Undoubtedly, pregnancy has its advantages, the main of which is the birth of a tiny happiness. Many women do not imagine their lives without knowing the joy of motherhood and even from an early age try on this role, with an important view of rolling a doll carriage around the yard.

But still, before you decide to take such a step or push another person to it, you need to understand that pregnancy is a huge work that not everyone is given to cope with. And if a couple decides to have a child, the husband must know how to support his wife at a critical time and create comfortable conditions for her.

Do you know any other myths about pregnancy? Tell in the comments and do not forget to share the article with your man and negligent husbands of friends.


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