What to cook from young zucchini

Summer is a favorite time of many, and this is not strange, because it pleases us not only with warmth and bright colors, but also with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Dishes with vegetables are always hearty, appetizing and full of benefits. That is why cold snacks from vegetables are something that no summer lunch will do without.

Editorial "Site" I already prepared for you. zucchiniIt will perfectly complement any main dish on your table. Write a list and go shopping. We guarantee that you will want to cook it again when you try, so you can buy 2 kg of zucchini at once, so as not to run again.

Delicious young zucchini Ingredients
  • 500g zucchini
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 100g refined vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp 9% vinegar
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp sesame
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • dillbundle
  • 100g sour and sweet berries
  • pepper
  • hop-sunel

  1. Cut the zucchini with thin rings and sprinkle it with salt.

  2. For dressing in a separate container, mix honey, soy sauce, spices and vinegar.

  3. Peel the garlic, slice finely or pass through the press and add to the dressing.

  4. Remove the zucchini to remove excess moisture from them, drain the water and fill the vegetables with prepared sauce. Hot the oil, add sesame to it and wait for it to change color. Then let the oil cool and fill it with zucchini.

  5. Then add the finely sliced dill.

  6. It remains only to add berries and mix everything carefully.

So. zucchini Not only will it become a bright decoration of the dining table, but also a favorite delicacy of households. These crispy savory vegetables will not leave anyone indifferent. Try to cook and see for yourself!

Earlier we talked about what can be quickly cooked from zucchini.

Tell in the comments about your favorite vegetable snack and do not forget to share the recipe with friends on social networks!


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