How to cook zucchini in sour cream
Zucchini is a universal vegetable. It is neutral in taste, combined with any products, and also contains a lot of useful substances. As practice shows, zucchini It is possible if you cook them with sour cream and garlic.
And today's edition. "Site" tell you, zucchiniSo that it was hearty, tasty and very useful.
Squash in sour cream Ingredients
Such a simple and easy snack for all occasions. If you want to cook for lunch, if you want to treat guests, it's good anyway. Thanks to this method of cooking, useful substances are preserved in the snack, which is its main advantage. Enjoy the taste and the benefits!
The summer season is approaching, which means more useful recipes are needed. We told you how to make a delicious and light snack from zucchini.
We also shared a recipe for crispy and vitamin pickled zucchini.
And we also told you why add grated fresh zucchini to the meatballs.
Did you like this light and simple snack? Then share the recipe with your friends.

And today's edition. "Site" tell you, zucchiniSo that it was hearty, tasty and very useful.
Squash in sour cream Ingredients
- 2-3 zucchini
- 100g sour cream
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- wheatmeal
- salt and pepper
- To make the snack as useful as possible, you need to choose the right ingredients. First, you need to take only young and juicy zucchini, which contain more vitamins. Secondly, if you follow the figure, then instead of flour, it is better to take oat bran or completely abandon the clay. Now let's start cooking. 659790
- Cut the zucchini in thin circles, no thicker than one centimeter.
- Clean the garlic from the film and cut it finely. It is garlic that gives the dish a special sharp taste.
- To make the zucchini juicier, you can cook it in the bar. In a separate container, beat an egg. Pieces of zucchini first dip into an egg, then into flour or bran.
- Now the zucchini must be roasted or baked. If you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, lay zucchini in a baking bowl and put in the oven so that they roar to a golden crust. You can also fry them in a pan using oil, but then the benefits of such a dish will be less, and calories more.
- While the zucchini are baked, make the sauce. In a bowl, mix sour cream and crushed garlic. If desired, sour cream can be replaced with low-fat yogurt.
- When the zucchini are toasted, add the sour cream sauce and leave for another 10 minutes. Then take the dish out of the oven and let it stand a little so that the sauce thickens. The snack is ready, just sprinkle fresh greens and serve to the table!
Such a simple and easy snack for all occasions. If you want to cook for lunch, if you want to treat guests, it's good anyway. Thanks to this method of cooking, useful substances are preserved in the snack, which is its main advantage. Enjoy the taste and the benefits!
The summer season is approaching, which means more useful recipes are needed. We told you how to make a delicious and light snack from zucchini.
We also shared a recipe for crispy and vitamin pickled zucchini.
And we also told you why add grated fresh zucchini to the meatballs.
Did you like this light and simple snack? Then share the recipe with your friends.