How to Become a Conservation Guru

Summer and autumn are the best time for home preparations. But how hurtful, when you spend a lot of time and effort to roll more delicious things for the winter, and the lids on the jars take and take off into the air, forcing you to throw out the good.

So today's editorial office. "Site" It will tell you what causes conservation damage and how to avoid it. I also want to explain why it’s important to select only proven ones. winter-prescriptionSo as not to regret the lids that flew into the air.

What causes the deterioration of conservation when the lids on the jars swell? The fact is that due to various violations in the process of canning, microbes get into the banks. Their vital activity is accompanied by the formation of gas, which blows up the covers.

How did the germs get into the rolled jar? This could happen if the lid is poorly rolled or if it had a defect and air got under it. Cracks on the neck of glass containers can also cause subsequent deterioration of supplies.

In some cases spoilage There may be significant deviations from the recipe, for example, a small amount of vinegar or citric acid or insufficient time to sterilize the lids and cans. Therefore, only proven recipes should be used.

Separately, it is worth talking about the causes of fermentation of jam, because it is with this product that inexperienced housewives have the most problems. And if bacteria got into the jar with jam and the fermentation process began, then such jam will most likely not be able to save. What could be the reason?

  1. Berries and fruits are poorly washed or not thoroughly digested, as a result of which dust, dirt or soil particles got into the banks.
  2. Spoiled or damaged fruit got into the jars and served as a source of bacteria for the entire mass of jam.
  3. Sugar, which inhibits the reproduction of bacteria, too little was added to the jam.
  4. In fruits containing little acid (for example, pears), citric acid was not added.
  5. The jam did not boil long enough, as a result of which the microbes living in the fruits were not destroyed.

Often spoiled and supplies with cucumbers. The problem is that these vegetables inside contain voids with air. And in this air live bacteria that cause fermentation. Therefore, an insufficient amount of vinegar or citric acid leads to clouding of the cans and subsequent failure of the covers.

And to minimize the risk of spoilage of such preservation, it is better to roll cucumbers on the first day after harvesting, before air has yet to penetrate the pores of vegetables. Also, before preservation, cucumbers should be soaked for 2-3 hours so that water fills the voids inside.

It is not superfluous to wash your hands with soap at each stage of conservation. But for sterilization of cans it is better to use not pure water, but a saturated solution of table salt (about 400 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

Follow these canning rules, and carefully follow the instructions from proven recipes, and then your winter-piece They'll be completely safe.


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