How to relax the muscles of the back

Despite the fact that yoga has its origin in Indian culture and is directly related to religious teachings, it has become very popular in the modern world. This is because there are different levels of spirit and body development in yogic teaching. At the peak of popularity are asanas. It is the union of the mind and body through physical exercise. As a rule, exercises are aimed at developing flexibility, muscle relaxation.

Asanas in yoga are yoga poses that help to develop flexibility and bring the body to tone. Each asana is designed to develop different muscle groups, often weight-loss asana Combined with breathing exercises for greater efficiency.

With the help of yoga, you can strengthen the back, abdominal muscles, legs and hands. Knowing how to perform exercises correctly, you can bring the body into good physical shape.

Today we will talk about the asana called uttana shishasana (translated as “the posture of the awakened puppy”), which is recommended for back pain and shoulder girdle. The exercise is not recommended for injuries of the spine and knees.

How to do the exercise
  1. Get on your knees, put your wrists on the floor at the width of your shoulders, arms and legs perpendicular to the floor, and your back parallel. This position is called the goasana, or table position.
  2. Move your palms forward, lower your chest and chin to the floor. Do not lean on your elbows so as not to load the lumbar region.

  3. On exhalation, smoothly lower your head, stretch your chin down to the chest. Try to bend in the thoracic spine.
  4. Spread your shoulders and pull in your shoulder blades, focus on opening your shoulder joints.

  5. Tighten the press so that the navel pulls up to the spine. Get back to the starting position.
  6. In the position of a sleeping puppy, make 10-15 breathing cycles. You need to breathe calmly, concentrating on opening the chest and shoulder joints. After the position of the awakened puppy, take the position of the child. Put your pelvis on your heels, relax your back.

Exercise helps develop the flexibility of the spine, relax the chest and shoulder joints. With regular performance, the upper back, arms and hips are strengthened. It is especially useful to do this exercise with chronic stress and insomnia.

Yoga Asana Complex You can choose individually, the main thing is to perform all the exercises smoothly and according to the instructions, having previously warmed up.


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