How to Become a Hospitable Homeowner

What is conscience and what it is eaten with is, of course, a rhetorical question: each person builds his own framework, and the subjective approach has not been canceled. Sometimes it happens that some people, in the opinion of other people, one day limitable. This applies to everything: business, work and even friendship.

We're here in the newsroom. "Site" We love to discuss complex topics related to psychology and human behavior, and today we have just this: Friends stopped communicating with each other.. It would seem that the reason for this should be quite weighty, but, as it turns out, a certain type of communication can just get bored. It doesn't matter what kind of master you are. Go straight ahead.

My husband and I had friends who often came to dinner, to sit, to share problems. We were fine with that. I always enjoyed setting the table. And all would be nothing, but over time they began to notice that friends are going only to us, no one ever calls to himself, even tried to joke about this topic, we were told in response that their wives are “not sharpened to collect tables.”

“When I heard that, it was not that I was offended, but somehow unpleasant in my heart. We stopped communicating, because conversations always revolved around the problems of our friends. My husband and I are in our 40s and we don’t want to talk in one gate. At first I tried to persuade myself to rare, but still meetings with friends, now I understand that I do not want to communicate at all. Is it necessary to maintain communication when you feel like either a vest or a garbage bucket?

The psychologist comments on it in his own way.: Friendly support is sometimes required by all of us, and the opportunity to see a specialist is not always present, so such "kitchen psychotherapeutic sessions" appear. If you are comfortable in your role, why not? If constant attempts to pour out your soul begin to strain, then, of course, it is important to defend your boundaries.

The main thing is the desire to have a friendly evening. By the way, who initiated these fees? Was it you or did your friends say they wanted to come to your home? It is possible that they used these moments as a way to take a break from domestic problems and change the environment. Whether to tolerate this approach, to be a vest, it is up to you how comfortable you are in this role.

We believe that friendship, like other similar feelings, is a two-way process that requires mutual bestowal. You can talk to your friends.You don’t have to talk, it all depends on your comfort. Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments: are you ready to sacrifice friends just because you are tired of their whining?


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