To discourage greedy men and beggars, when I meet, I say that I do not work.
In search of a prince on a white horse, women tend to forget that they are hunted in the same way. poor. Men can be full of noble feelings, but at the same time they want elementary care, tasty food and warm sleep. All this can give a selfless woman who is tired of being alone.
There are many unsettled people, the reasons can be very different. And if younger children have time to understand a person properly, try to find hidden reserves, then older people have a different approach. Not yet. Either you match and chase, or you simply want to transfer some of your problems to someone else’s shoulders. Editorial "Site" share one life hack.
It is based on the experience of a woman who once tried to find her “prince”. It is clear that the acquaintance was made through the Internet, and then sit-in. Some times have been successful. It felt like it to our woman. Men were talkative, sprinkled with promises, but for some reason they did not want to spend money on anything.
More asked Alena what she does, whether she has a job, apartment, children. When they found out that she was alone, worked in financial structures, albeit not in a high position, but enough for life, and the apartment she had her own, separate, two-room, they were very excited and asked to visit.
Alena was not a coward, she brought them to her house and even left them to sleep in her bed. Alas, none of them could boast of anything special. Even in bed. show off It didn't work. One is in debt, the other is unemployed, the third is looking for himself. Well, lived for a week, and then ran away, realizing that Alena is not going to tolerate them on her neck.
She decided to stop these experiments when another boyfriend dragged her for three hours, dressed in a light jacket and high-heeled shoes, through the winter park, although he had promised to take her to a restaurant. It turned out that the romantic is banal. no money. As he said, a friend urgently borrowed, and today Friday and his accountant went to his parents' village. That's crazy.
Poor man Worth talking about those who tried to “divorce” her for money. For example, an American retired man who violently called to America to live with him. And then he offered to split on his son's laptop. You're ours anyway, I'll buy you a ticket soon. As far as the laptop is concerned, that's what we do here. Here's a picture of a boy, you know how happy he'll be mother You took care of him?
Or guys who are just hunters. Chain single women to “marry” a couple of times, put the stars on the fuselage. Or put these jumpers on foreign territory on a permanent basis. They will feed and drink, and they will be invited to bed. In short, Alena was quite a fool for some time, on which various poor people tried to ride there.
As a result, she began to tell all the new admirers that she really did not have money. The apartment is rentable, she volunteers, helps animals and somehow interrupts. At the same time, she took care of herself and looked quite impressive. This one cognitive dissonance I’ve been working on all sorts of guys looking for a half-girl. Most of them just stopped communicating, realizing that nothing would break down here.
And only one persistently sent her flowers and promised to take her to the sea. And I did. He wasn't even rich at all. And I was surprised when it turned out that Alena has both a salary and an apartment. But he didn't like Alena for that. That's the life hack, ladies. Take it into service, otherwise you will suck all sorts, you will not notice.
From the editorial board, maybe this Not the best way.They are not fools, but they are not fools. And a woman needs to arrange life faster and not with anyone. Be sure to write in the comments what you think about this. Should I tell potential suitors that you don’t have money or should I wait for them to do everything ready?
Poor man. It doesn't have to be a beggar. There are normal ones too, but where can I find them? Try this life hack. Read our article on how poor people live and why it is so hard to get out of poverty. Thank you for staying with us!

There are many unsettled people, the reasons can be very different. And if younger children have time to understand a person properly, try to find hidden reserves, then older people have a different approach. Not yet. Either you match and chase, or you simply want to transfer some of your problems to someone else’s shoulders. Editorial "Site" share one life hack.
It is based on the experience of a woman who once tried to find her “prince”. It is clear that the acquaintance was made through the Internet, and then sit-in. Some times have been successful. It felt like it to our woman. Men were talkative, sprinkled with promises, but for some reason they did not want to spend money on anything.

More asked Alena what she does, whether she has a job, apartment, children. When they found out that she was alone, worked in financial structures, albeit not in a high position, but enough for life, and the apartment she had her own, separate, two-room, they were very excited and asked to visit.
Alena was not a coward, she brought them to her house and even left them to sleep in her bed. Alas, none of them could boast of anything special. Even in bed. show off It didn't work. One is in debt, the other is unemployed, the third is looking for himself. Well, lived for a week, and then ran away, realizing that Alena is not going to tolerate them on her neck.

She decided to stop these experiments when another boyfriend dragged her for three hours, dressed in a light jacket and high-heeled shoes, through the winter park, although he had promised to take her to a restaurant. It turned out that the romantic is banal. no money. As he said, a friend urgently borrowed, and today Friday and his accountant went to his parents' village. That's crazy.
Poor man Worth talking about those who tried to “divorce” her for money. For example, an American retired man who violently called to America to live with him. And then he offered to split on his son's laptop. You're ours anyway, I'll buy you a ticket soon. As far as the laptop is concerned, that's what we do here. Here's a picture of a boy, you know how happy he'll be mother You took care of him?

Or guys who are just hunters. Chain single women to “marry” a couple of times, put the stars on the fuselage. Or put these jumpers on foreign territory on a permanent basis. They will feed and drink, and they will be invited to bed. In short, Alena was quite a fool for some time, on which various poor people tried to ride there.
As a result, she began to tell all the new admirers that she really did not have money. The apartment is rentable, she volunteers, helps animals and somehow interrupts. At the same time, she took care of herself and looked quite impressive. This one cognitive dissonance I’ve been working on all sorts of guys looking for a half-girl. Most of them just stopped communicating, realizing that nothing would break down here.

And only one persistently sent her flowers and promised to take her to the sea. And I did. He wasn't even rich at all. And I was surprised when it turned out that Alena has both a salary and an apartment. But he didn't like Alena for that. That's the life hack, ladies. Take it into service, otherwise you will suck all sorts, you will not notice.
From the editorial board, maybe this Not the best way.They are not fools, but they are not fools. And a woman needs to arrange life faster and not with anyone. Be sure to write in the comments what you think about this. Should I tell potential suitors that you don’t have money or should I wait for them to do everything ready?

Poor man. It doesn't have to be a beggar. There are normal ones too, but where can I find them? Try this life hack. Read our article on how poor people live and why it is so hard to get out of poverty. Thank you for staying with us!
I made my husband leave my mistress and share my success story.
A friend called to be a godmother, but did not warn how to call the child