We raised money and will build a summer kitchen without it is very difficult.
Sweet cakes, which so carefully baked grandmother-worker, or delicious pumps with a slight aroma of garlic to borsch. This unforgettable taste and brings back to those days where everyone was small and in the morning ran barefoot to his grandmother in the summer kitchen. He received his incredibly appetizing cherry pie and even received a little from his grandfather for coming barefoot. In the past, a summer kitchen was a necessity.
Summer kitchen for cottages or rural areas is a real find. They cooked food, food for animals, various jams and pickles, and lived too. The real value of such a structure is understood, perhaps, only by those who lived in the village and felt it for themselves.
Someone may decide that to build another house, only a small one is impractical. After all, it will need to spend a considerable amount, but whether the game is worth the candle is unclear. Apparently, not for nothing before in every estate there was such a house. Not only did they cook, but they lived quite well. It does not mean that a summer kitchen is a dilapidated thing. This is a comfortable house, only a small size. Because, for example, in winter such a building can be easily heated.
© Freepik The process of construction Previously, such a kitchen was built from not too durable materials. For example, samana. This is a homemade building material, which was made from a mixture of straw and clay. But not everyone had the opportunity to buy a more reliable and expensive stone. That's why they built it. These houses had to be repaired and whitewashed with lime every summer. But the hostess tried their best to ensure that their house had the appropriate appearance. And they did it.
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A post shared by Villages of Russia (@derevnia_rus)
Newer options for how to build a summer kitchen for the cottage, suggest reliable building materials. Comparing them to what they were before is simply unwise. Such a building can stand for many years and do not require major repairs every season. In addition, the newly created summer kitchens have a larger size and, accordingly, more rooms. Comfort and practicality are in the first place.
Modern people can not always fully understand the important role of summer cuisine. They would use various portable grills or slabs, as well as folding canopies. But when you have to cook like that every day, Will it be convenient to carry all these elements? What if it rains or other bad weather? That's the whole point.
The owners equip the summer kitchen not only as a living, but also a working room. Imagine coming back from a nearby forest with big buckets of mushrooms. All this needs to be thoroughly cleaned, washed, cooked for a long time. Agree, doing all these manipulations in an ordinary house is inconvenient. Do not forget about the dirt and dust from the street. Therefore, in the summer kitchen and engaged in the preparation of various pickles, compotes, jam.
Those who have cattle on the farm understand that animals also need a certain place to cook forage. Even in order to cook porridge for dogs, small pigs or calves, you need somewhere to accommodate. There is no better place than summer kitchen.
© Freepik A place to sleep Whatever it sounds, but before in such kitchens parents were located after the son brought the daughter-in-law into the house. This was a common practice and no one was shocked. Young people began a new life in a big house, and their father-in-law and mother-in-law moved into a smaller one. Later, the couple could expect the same fate.
Modern buildings can also be a great place to sleep. To equip such a kitchen will not be difficult. After all, often serviceable, but old furniture is sent to the summer kitchen or cottage.
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A post shared by I want to go to the village! (@d.erevni)
Of course, if there is simply no need to build a summer kitchen, then this is not done.Now, not every rural yard has cattle or a vegetable garden, from which many twists will be made. And even more so in the country. But at one time, the summer kitchen in the country just had to exist. It's like an axiom.
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A post shared by Russian Village (@villageinrus)
If there is such a building on your site, it can easily be turned into a wonderful summer house. Update wallpaper, furniture, add indoor plants, flowers. And voila - a cozy place to relax is ready. Moreover, agrotourism is quite popular now. And if you live in a resort region, then such a building will become just a gold mine. Seize the moment.
Summer kitchen for cottages or rural areas is a real find. They cooked food, food for animals, various jams and pickles, and lived too. The real value of such a structure is understood, perhaps, only by those who lived in the village and felt it for themselves.

Someone may decide that to build another house, only a small one is impractical. After all, it will need to spend a considerable amount, but whether the game is worth the candle is unclear. Apparently, not for nothing before in every estate there was such a house. Not only did they cook, but they lived quite well. It does not mean that a summer kitchen is a dilapidated thing. This is a comfortable house, only a small size. Because, for example, in winter such a building can be easily heated.

© Freepik The process of construction Previously, such a kitchen was built from not too durable materials. For example, samana. This is a homemade building material, which was made from a mixture of straw and clay. But not everyone had the opportunity to buy a more reliable and expensive stone. That's why they built it. These houses had to be repaired and whitewashed with lime every summer. But the hostess tried their best to ensure that their house had the appropriate appearance. And they did it.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Villages of Russia (@derevnia_rus)
Newer options for how to build a summer kitchen for the cottage, suggest reliable building materials. Comparing them to what they were before is simply unwise. Such a building can stand for many years and do not require major repairs every season. In addition, the newly created summer kitchens have a larger size and, accordingly, more rooms. Comfort and practicality are in the first place.

Modern people can not always fully understand the important role of summer cuisine. They would use various portable grills or slabs, as well as folding canopies. But when you have to cook like that every day, Will it be convenient to carry all these elements? What if it rains or other bad weather? That's the whole point.

The owners equip the summer kitchen not only as a living, but also a working room. Imagine coming back from a nearby forest with big buckets of mushrooms. All this needs to be thoroughly cleaned, washed, cooked for a long time. Agree, doing all these manipulations in an ordinary house is inconvenient. Do not forget about the dirt and dust from the street. Therefore, in the summer kitchen and engaged in the preparation of various pickles, compotes, jam.
Those who have cattle on the farm understand that animals also need a certain place to cook forage. Even in order to cook porridge for dogs, small pigs or calves, you need somewhere to accommodate. There is no better place than summer kitchen.

© Freepik A place to sleep Whatever it sounds, but before in such kitchens parents were located after the son brought the daughter-in-law into the house. This was a common practice and no one was shocked. Young people began a new life in a big house, and their father-in-law and mother-in-law moved into a smaller one. Later, the couple could expect the same fate.
Modern buildings can also be a great place to sleep. To equip such a kitchen will not be difficult. After all, often serviceable, but old furniture is sent to the summer kitchen or cottage.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by I want to go to the village! (@d.erevni)
Of course, if there is simply no need to build a summer kitchen, then this is not done.Now, not every rural yard has cattle or a vegetable garden, from which many twists will be made. And even more so in the country. But at one time, the summer kitchen in the country just had to exist. It's like an axiom.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Russian Village (@villageinrus)
If there is such a building on your site, it can easily be turned into a wonderful summer house. Update wallpaper, furniture, add indoor plants, flowers. And voila - a cozy place to relax is ready. Moreover, agrotourism is quite popular now. And if you live in a resort region, then such a building will become just a gold mine. Seize the moment.
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