Dinner recipe for the whole family in half an hour
Feeding a hungry family quickly and tasty is a real art. Today we offer to prepare for such a task. rice-sauce with a side dish. They are good and delicious, and you will not spend all day standing at the stove.
Get all the ingredients you need and you can cook. If some ingredients are difficult to find in your kitchen – no problem, you can always do it. substitute. For example, instead of minced rabbit, crushed chicken fillet is perfect.
Meats with rice in tomato sauce Meat.:
The ingredients

Get all the ingredients you need and you can cook. If some ingredients are difficult to find in your kitchen – no problem, you can always do it. substitute. For example, instead of minced rabbit, crushed chicken fillet is perfect.

Meats with rice in tomato sauce Meat.:
The ingredients
- 300g pork and beef ground
- 150g rabbit mince
- 0.5 medium bulb
- salt, pepper to taste
- nutmeg
- 130g boiled rice
- 2 tsp barbecue sauce