How to cook delicious meatballs
Have you ever cooked meatballs in a special way - immediately with garnish and gravy? If not, write down the recipe, because it turns out twice tastier, and time is spent many times less! Succulent meatballs with delicate potatoes are a hearty treat from which men have to drag by the ears. Dense lunch from one dish will easily replace both the first and the second, and the fatter you take the mince, the more tasty and juicier the dish will get.
Meats and potatoesThe recipes are shared "Site"Fast and high-quality way to feed a hungry family with the help of products that are always at hand. Cooking "Meat rosaries" is many times easier than ordinary meatballs or hedgehogs - you do not need to cook rice or roast minced meat!
Delicious meatballs Ingredients
A recipe for delicious meatballs, and even in the company of an appetizing side dish - a real find for housewives who need to feed a large family in a short time. It seems that all products are familiar and familiar, but in one plate they acquire a completely new look and taste. Fragrant, juicy, and potatoes - just a song, deserves some praise.
Recipes of what hearty minced dishes in haste are in your cookbook? Tell us in the comments.

Meats and potatoesThe recipes are shared "Site"Fast and high-quality way to feed a hungry family with the help of products that are always at hand. Cooking "Meat rosaries" is many times easier than ordinary meatballs or hedgehogs - you do not need to cook rice or roast minced meat!
Delicious meatballs Ingredients
- 700g mince
- 500g small potatoes
- 2 bulbs
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 3 teeth. Garlic
- 1 carrot
- 70g rice
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- freshly squeezed tomato juice (from 4 tomatoes)
- salt
- tasteful
- 1 grind bulb, sodium carrots on a coarse grater and roast in a small amount of butter to onion transparency.
- In the meantime, squeeze the tomato juice (by any available means) with the pulp, and cut the pepper in small cubes.
- To the carrots add crushed peppers, tomato juice and tomato paste. Pour 300-400 ml of water, salty and peppery to taste, you can add a little sugar. Carcass sauce on a slow heat for 5-10 minutes.
- In minced meat, add onion grated on a large grater, garlic passed through the press, and raw rice. Add your favorite spices and mix thoroughly.
- From mince, form small balls and put in a pan with thick walls, previously lubricating it with vegetable oil. The pot can easily be replaced with a multicooker!
- Put peeled whole potatoes on the meatballs (if the tubers are large, you can cut the potatoes into several parts), pour sauce and cook for 40 minutes after boiling on a slow heat. Sprinkle the finished dish with greens and quickly serve it to the table!
A recipe for delicious meatballs, and even in the company of an appetizing side dish - a real find for housewives who need to feed a large family in a short time. It seems that all products are familiar and familiar, but in one plate they acquire a completely new look and taste. Fragrant, juicy, and potatoes - just a song, deserves some praise.
Recipes of what hearty minced dishes in haste are in your cookbook? Tell us in the comments.